Ellie and Thario in MO
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She's a good liar. And without Tyler's influence he should be manageable.

"Might as well."


So they continue!

… There continues to be quite a lot of fog and the small hot spring turns out to be a less small hot spring!


Is it an obstacle to their forward progress?


Well, not really because they can go slightly sideways around it…

This is really a rather large cavern, and it's not like they're going any particular direction to look for anything in particular, they're just searching around for things in general?

It is rather large, though. Weirdly, it looks rather small, but it seems to stretch quite far behind them anyway.


She's pretty much given up on the idea of a consistent geometry. Around the spring it is.


… What are they looking for again? Just something interesting?


That or a way out.


Oh, well, if they want a way out they could try that hole in the ceili– wait, nope, no they can't, they can't fly, and she killed off their nice mode of transport.

They could try going back the way they came?

(Or maybe they'll find something interesting if they keep going!)


There continues to be vague fog and mysterious noises— wait, were those not mentioned earlier?

Oh well. Probably nothing.


"Do you hear that?"


"Hear what?" asks Blue.

(Of course he does. He has pointy ears and therefore good hearing. He's probably just being rude.)


"Noises in the fog."


"I'm not sure I–" he starts, then frowns. "Oh, do you mean the whispers?"

… They don't sound much like whispers. It sounds more like small bits of moaning and whining and a few grunts and maybe a bit of– a howl?


"Doesn't sound very much like whispering."


"Hm." He continues to frown. "I'm pretty sure it sounds like whispering to me, but then again, this place is weird and also the translation thing."


"Is it anything intelligible?"


"It mainly seems slightly upset and a little curious about things, but I'm not getting actual words, no." He squints a bit. "Which really I should have noticed earlier."


"Huh. Weird."

Walking, walking.

Staying alert for impending danger.


… There's another bunny. It literally looks like a bunny formed from mist, or maybe a cloud bunny.

It is extremely fluffy and pettable, although she is not quite compelled to do so.

Blue stops when he notices it.


"...Let's stay away from the bunny."


What if the bunny hops over to them? Really cutely and cloudily and fluffily?


Bunnies are Bad News, okay? Go away, bunny.


Bunny doesn't seem inclined to just go away, but if she pushes at it… it continues stubbornly refusing to go away.

Instead, it jumps at her, aiming for her hand.

She can probably dodge.


She does, spinning and pulling out her lightsaber, aiming to slice it as it passes.

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