Ellie and Thario in MO
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Funny thing about fog… It doesn't seem particularly harmed when she slices it.

It lands and jumps for her again, but this time seems to be moving faster. It'll be harder to dodge.


Oh, great. Fog bunnies.

She can get pretty quick about dodging,


The bunny… can get pretty good at attacking, unfortunately for her.

It gets her hand. Bites into it – despite being a fog bunny – and she starts to feel shooting pains.

In fact, it's rather like small shocks of lightning are running through her body.

It's quite debilitating.



That hurts. Almost as much as that time she was twelve and the overseer had her tortured for killing those other acolytes. She grits her teeth and grimaces.


The bunny disappears!

The lightning shocks seem to be getting worse. And worse.

Is she sure about her previous assessment?


She bites her lip. And hisses.

And falls to her knees. Then to the ground.


They do seem to be getting worse.

Continuing to get worse.

And worse.



Blue seems to be moving towards her! In slow motion. He also seems to be saying something, and while she could make out what it was – with helpful translationy lip-reading because her ears don't seem to be working right this minute – she's probably too overwhelmed by the lightning to get much more than "Are you okay?"


If she opens her mouth she's going to start screaming and she doesn't think she'll be able to stop-


She also probably couldn't make any coherent sounds! Maybe she should try interpretive dance or something.

Or, y'know, maybe not. She's probably going to get a blinding headache at this rate– oh wait, she's already acquired one! You know what it feels like when you get struck by lightning throughout your brain, several times per second? No? Well, it feels like that anyway.

He moves towards her, still going apparently slow-motion.


She does know what that feels like, actually. That was her fifteenth birthday. (For her sixteenth she did it to someone else.)

This is somehow much worse.


… It seems to be striking elsewhere around her, too. It's not affecting her soul animal, but she can feel it striking bits of her that– don't actually seem to be her?

Blue is about halfway to her! Is she sure she wants to be in debilitating pain this near to a potential enemy? Oh, wait, she probably can't do much about that.


She can't, this is true. Besides curl up into a protective ball, which she does.


Well, he doesn't seem to be attacking her?

He does, however, touch her on her shoulder.

It stings like a motherfucker. Even worse than the lightning.


She flinches away from the touch.


He gets the message not to touch her and decides to go sit on a nearby rock.

The pain continues to ramp up, although it's slightly slower now.


She starts rocking back and forth on the ground.


That might not be the best idea unless she's just doing it very small amounts. She might get some more of the searing pain, otherwise.

It seems to stop ramping up after a while, but she can't really do much around the pain.


After a while – it's not really clear how long – she'll realize that she can probably see again and actually process what she's looking at somewhat, even though she's in lots of pain. Does she choose to?


The first thing she does, once she can, is begin converting pain to anger. She is going to kill this place.

The second thing she does is check that Blue is not directly in front of her. He probably had nothing to do with the bunny.


The third thing she does is convert anger to lightning, stabbing out at nothing and everything for a long distance in front of her.


It definitely seems to do quite a lot of damage! She can tell that it does a lot of damage in the local area because of the huge marks in the ground, areas where the rock has been totally obliterated, areas where the rock breaks into pieces and also various other things.

Apparently that was quite powerful.


Blue is, fortunately, not in the way.

And after seeing that display, he's decided to move even further out of the way.


That is a good idea, Blue. She would commend your quick thinking, if she had any spare brain with which to do so.

So much lightning. Lightning everywhere. In the center of the storm, Elleira draws her feet back under herself, and slowly stands up.


Hm. It seems like she's on her feet faster than she expected, feeling quite lightweight.

She might not notice though, what with all the lightning – both inside and outside of her.


She will burn this place to the ground.

A growl builds low in throat, growing to a full scream of rage, the first sound she's made. The storm increases in intensity to match.


Blue… is gonna start moving away from her now.

Quite quickly.

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