Ellie and Thario in MO
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And Thario gets dressed then goes over to Elleira. "How'd you sleep?"


"Just fine. Nothing interesting happened?"


"Nah. Tyler froze… ish… the lake. Made it solid yet somehow not ice."


"I'm literally just holding it in place, dude."


"Yeah, sure," says Thario, signing the translation as usual.


"Interesting application. Is it hard to maintain?"


"Nah," he says. "Difficult if you want me to do anything fine-grained with a huge amount of water, but keeping it in position, especially since it's already still, really isn't too difficult."


"Neat power," says Thario. "All I get is lumen, which apparently you people don't have."

Lo, a light.


"Huh," he says. "Can you write words with it?"


"Yeah," he says, writing some letters in the air. One set of them quite clearly says look in Basic, and the others are presumably in Chinese or something.


Tremble, mortals, before his awesome powers of being a slightly shitty holoprojector.


Eyeroll. How about if he uses dark lumen to totally obscure her vision of him? It's not like it's camouflage, it's quite clearly just a bubble of darkness, but still.


"… That doesn't look much like light," comments Tyler. Unintelligibly to Elleira, for Thario is not visible to translate.


Even if she can't see, she can still tell where Thario is well enough to shock him. Just a little bit.


The dark lumen bubble appears to stay up! Despite him apparently being shocked and making a slight pained noise.

He turns it into a dark lumen panel, instead.

It's quite a big panel. She might well still be able to shock him, depending on how the lightning picks a target, but there's quite a big surface area on which she has to locate her target.


The Force is her ally, and she will fear no panel.

She can continue to target him quite accurately.


Well then he'll just cover her in the dark lumen.

It's not like it prevents her from moving, so she can try to step outside the bubble, but apparently he's slightly frustrated. You know, by all the lightning.


"Like I said before. Practically useless."


"I can still do diagrams," he says. "Like if I wanted to show someone what that weird city thing looked like, I could."

So he removes the dark lumen bubble around her and instead conjures a diagram of one of the buildings they went in.

It would seem he has a good spatial memory, because it's a rather accurate copy.


"Yes. So could a holocamera."


"I don't think I've ever heard of a holocamera, but okay, if they can do that then," he shrugs. "It's better than not having anything, at least, but yes, it's not particularly useful in many circumstances."


"Yes. Shall we stay in this area or explore elsewhere today?"


"I vote explore," says Thario. "I'd like to find something neat and habitable and-or a way to return home as soon as possible, rather than just sticking with… probably not super terrible." He looks at Tyler. "Might be good to have you go scouting or carrying us places, though. For speed."




"Sounds like a good idea to me."

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