Ellie and Thario in MO
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Thario has likewise never done it but can help if desired!

Is she going to use lightning to light it? That sounds like it might work. Possibly.


His keriol continues to be draped around his shoulders.

It's kinda cute, actually, especially since its tail is just swishing about.


And soon the fire is constructed. Elleira applies a very small, very concentrated shock at the base to light it.


Well that's nice, because now they have a small fire over which to cook their fish.

"I think I'm just gonna eat some berries," says Thario. "You can probably– skewer one of the fish with a stick or something, but I'm not a great fan of meat. Rhunes don't really eat much of it."


"Suit yourself."

She digs a small vibroknife out of her bag and uses it to gut the fish. She uses one of the sticks not currently in the fire to hold it while it cooks.


It cooks relatively quickly and seems like a normal fish. Which is nice.

Thario eats a few of the nuts and then decides he's not actually that hungry right now, so decides to leave the rest for later and-or the others.


Nom nom fish.

Surprisingly tasty.


And she doesn't seem to keel over in the slightest! How nice of the fish not to be immediately poisonous.


Tyler: flies back from the huge-ass fish that just jumped out of the lake. Then he decides that he wants to go exploring, so he dives into the water.

The osprey goes with.


...Birds can't usually swim.


Well they don't seem to be resurfacing!

Perhaps he got himself killed.


Thario seems pretty content petting his keriol. The ferret is currently in the lake, apparently bathing itself.


Meh. He's the one with hydrokinesis. He's probably fine.

Poke poke at the fire.


Thario looks up at the sky. "It's kinda dark, isn't it?"

There are no stars. There is also no moon. The sky is approximately pitch-black, although it's still not actually that difficult to see things in their vicinity.


"Just a bit, yeah."


"I think I'm gonna try getting some sleep," he says. "Seems relatively safe right now."


"I'll stay up, then."


He nods, finds a bit of flat ground to lie on, and then tries to get some sleep.

His keriol wraps around him. Black and red, stripey, it's a cute little adornment.


Tyler comes back after a few minutes! Apparently he did not in fact drown, nor did his soul bird thingy.

Looking over at Thario, he tries to convey that he can keep watch if Elleira would like to sleep. He's not that tired yet.


She'll lie down too, then.


Tyler will keep watch.


After about twenty minutes, Thario will get up.

He can't seem to get to sleep, and he doesn't feel particularly tired, so he signs as such to Tyler and then decides to go sit on a rock – a different one from the one they left the fish on.


Tyler doesn't feel particularly tired yet, either. He's only been awake – and alive – for… a few hours by this point.

They can just sign to each other, in that case.


… Huh. Thario didn't know Tyler knew sign language.


Elleira is asleep.


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