Ellie and Thario in MO
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The fruits do various things!

The green fruit: turns the ferret purple.

The blue fruit: makes the ferret slow down. Including with respect to gravity, when dropped.

The brown fruit: appears to do nothing. (Is this a suspicious nothing? Perhaps.)

The various nuts: cause the ferret to glow for a couple of seconds but otherwise appear to have no effect.

The glowing fruit: makes the ferret weightless!

The multicolored fruit: appears to do nothing, but it's a very unsuspicious nothing. Very unsuspicious. Nobody would suspect it of anything.


Thario looks at the ferret slightly suspiciously when it's fed the last one. Is it possible to be so unsuspicious that you're suspicious? Apparently the answer is yet.


Tyler (with his weird invisibility) grabs one of the glowing ones. Might be useful.


Does the book have anything to say about any of these effects?


… It mentions that the one that turns you purple also doubles your natural lifespan? One-time use, no penalty for trying to use it twice; it just acts as a normal fruit the later times. And the multicolored one is, in its words, very suspicious.


She'll take a bite of the green fruit then. And dispose of the multi-colored one.


… How does she plan on disposing of it?


Lob it deep, deep into the forest.

She's got a pretty good throwing arm.


That's totally safe! That is a good method of disposal. Well done on picking that method and not something potentially hazardous, such as, hmm… dropping it into the lake.

That could've ended badly!


Thario also takes a bite of the green fruit!


As does Tyler! Briefly purple, woo.

Apparently he only gets briefly purple hair!


Thario also gets briefly purple hair. It matches his eyes.


Aleir tries eating some too, but does not go briefly purple.



Elleira gets purple hair for a short time too.

The lizard does not change color.


Nor does Tyler's osprey!


"Okay, well, that's slightly weird," says Tyler. Thario translates, and then after a couple of seconds, Tyler actually becomes visible again.

That lasted quite a while for him. Hmm.


"I'd say the purple thing only affects hair? But it didn't do anything to his keriol."


"My hair went purple," says Tyler. "Pretty sure."


"It might be a soul animal thing, that the fruits just don't affect them."


"Yeah. Well, maybe they got the double lifespan with each of us."


Thario reaches down to pet the ferret. "I hope nothing horrible happens to this little guy because of the mysterious fruit."


"You should hope that if anything does, it happens before we also eat the same fruit."


"I meant the suspiciously unsuspicious fruit. The one that has been tossed. But yeah – hopefully the other fruit is fine too."


Tyler decides that this moment is when he does a backflip and goes to fly around the lake again.

Presumably he'll return if called upon.


Time to build a fire, probably.

Elleira has never done this, but she thinks she understands the basic principle.

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