"I'm still not used to wearing my symbol openly," Raimon remarks to the nearest person wearing the same. "I wasn't even a cleric before the war, and it still feels like I'm about to be hauled up before a judge for primary worship."
She's still wearing her handmade wooden holy symbol. (She could afford to buy herself a nicer one, in theory, but it sort of feels like it would defeat the point.)
"I wasn't either! Are you looking forward to the convention?"
"I am!"
She touches her holy symbol. "I'm hoping we'll be able to — help things work out for the better." Glance towards the nobility section. "Not that it'll be easy, but."
"I'm not sure the convention's exactly structured for that, but it's at least structured so we can meet people, see what they need help with."
Nod. She's still not entirely sure how this is all supposed to work, exactly.
"Have you had the chance to meet many people yet?"
"A few before the convention. I talked to the druid for a while, she's - interesting. At it only you."
"I didn't realize there were druids here at all!"
And the fact that they are says... confusing... things about the Queen's intentions for this convention.
"Only one I'm sure of - I thought there was another one but she had a Gozreh holy symbol. Here as a sort of diplomat for forests broadly construed, I think."
How can there be a diplomat for a forest. Trees don't talk. —not important right now.
"Interesting! What sort of things do forest-diplomats care about?"
"There's some good pamphlets among the silly ones. I quite liked the one about abolishing travel permits, I have one good across the whole country but I thought on it and if I didn't need it any more it'd make a nice ring."
"Oh, I haven't seen that one! It's a good idea, though, nothing good can come of leaving that sort of thing to the nobility."
She is not nearly brave enough to say she liked the one with all the denouncements where this many people could overhear and report her. "There were a few about land reform that I thought were interesting— I can't say that I know how best to manage it, but something's got to give."
"That one I wouldn't say I know as much about as travel. What's there to reform about the land?"
"It's just like the travel passes, really— so much of it is in the hands of the nobility, people end up with no choice but to put up with whatever the nobles demand of them. Here, I've got a pamphlet—"
"Huh. I'm city-bred, wouldn't know if there was something silly about it, but it sounds all right."
"Mail delivery! It's a lovely job, you get to travel around all over and meet lots of people."
...She is suddenly incredibly curious how a mail carrier ends up as a Calistrian priest, but that's not really the sort of thing you can just ask.
"Neat! This is my first time in the city, or really anywhere that's not where I grew up."
"I actually came up not half a mile from here. My mother still lives there, though I've had to find somewhere else to crash, it's not suited to guests."
"Bit of a sorcerer. Can't do laundry, can do Mount. I started out on the Westcrown to Westpool route, you can do that without sleeping if you've got enough fresh horses in your pocket and there's plenty of low-security mail on such a short leg, and everything I took got to its recipient and nobody complained about me, so I started being offered longer hauls and the permits to go with them till I was couriering from here to Isger, picking up and dropping off everywhere I stopped."
She's still a little confused about how Calistria wound up choosing him but she wouldn't have done it without a good reason, and besides he seems like a very decent fellow.
"Isger? What's that like?"
"I liked it there, they're a protectorate but they weren't quite so infested, lots of social nooks and crannies for people to hide in that there weren't in Cheliax proper. Bit more difficult to get laid there for some reason though. - mind, I have no idea if it'd be harder with girls."
"I imagine finding a girl'd be pretty different anywhere, really. I guess I don't know if it's harder in Isger than anywhere else."
She has the vague impression that as a Calistrian priestess she's supposed to be doing more of that sort of thing but she was absolutely not going to take up with anyone back home.