in color amentans meet hazel
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"That sounds really hard, I'll just use the mind-control curse."


He doesn't have to answer that one either.


"List more ways to cut down on executions."


"Tell everyone that the observers are in their area and we want everything to look really good so there'll be some security assigned to escorting potential problems away before they get to the point of attacking. Might not work, if escorting people away provokes more confrontations, and would have to be temporary."


"You could hire humans for it."


"Not on short notice but medium-term, yes."


"Tell me about the observers."


"Everyone is concerned that Anitam would have incentive to mistreat Earth's natives because we want to be allowed to settle here and they are not loyal to us, not as sympathetic on the evening news, and all unclean. So the observers are here to make sure we do right by them, because it'd be terrible if more powerful aliens showed up and saw Amentans mistreating humans."


"- but since the observers are also Amentans and Amentans are kind of selfish and myopic, they haven't proposed not executing tens of thousands of innocent people, or not making humans take five hour showers we don't care about, or respecting local religions, or letting nomadic cultures be, or not imposing population controls."


"Some of them were concerned about the last rites thing."


"That was an incredibly major screw-up, I hope you realize that."


"Don't give me that look, I guarantee this conversation would not be more fun for you if I didn't have Veritaserum."


"I believe you."


"Are the observers making things better?"


"Substantially, I can justify humanitarian things I wanted to do anyway by saying there's an observer paying that particular attention. By Amentan standards we're being really excellent, for whatever that's worth."


"I had already gathered that Amentans had really low standards but don't object to having more evidence to that effect."


"We object to mind-control curses."


"Wizards do too, I would never get out of prison. But you conquer a planet, you stop having the right to be left alone by people more powerful than you who've decided to do what they want. That's not a collective responsibility thing - it'd be wrong to imperius random Amentans, even random colonist Amentans - it's specifically a you thing."


"You are -" He stops.


"Go ahead and finish that sentence however you were intending to."


"You are in many respects very good at impersonating me but spend far too much time defending yourself in moral terms and making moral arguments, I pretty much never do that."


"I'm really not interested in impersonating you. I'd have to learn everybody, you must have spent decades at that."


"You would be more convincing on that count if you didn't look like me."


"I have no idea why I look like you."

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