in color amentans meet hazel
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"Or maybe that humans would if there were no unintended babies around in the first place."


"How are you going to explain having the transmitter off?"


" - I don't really know. I -" Sigh.



"Forgot, didn't need translation during the conversation so it didn't occur to you?"


"Yeah, that works. It's going to come out eventually, though."


"...well, your hair colors don't match?"


"I can argue that it's some weird skyperson thing, but if we covered it up that's weirder."


"...okay, you were suspicious about how much you matched, wanted to have a really personal conversation, and sent me out in the hall?"


"Or his presumed-wife was still at work and he was home alone and we forgot the thingy."


"If you think that's better, sure, more your thing than mine."


"I don't really know. I guess we could just tell people - if only Amentans didn't suck and 'Amentans think it's fine' was more compelling -"


"A bit."


"What do you think of telling people that we forgot to turn it on and then taking them aside and telling them privately that, weird, he had a husband, I don't know what that means, and seeing how they react?"


"Well, Miranda won't be surprised - I don't know about anyone else -"


"I don't either but if they're going to find out eventually, this way lets us gauge reactions and if the reaction is 'wow, another way Amentans are super evil and terrible', then, okay, we can go with that."


Sigh. "Yeah."


They head out. 


"How'd it go? We didn't get anything back - "


"Yeah, I'm sorry, we didn't need translation and I never turned it on. It was - informative. The - bizarre resemblance - is not superficial, and extends to the rest of the family - well, to their Michael and Theodore and Aaron and my father, I didn't specifically ask about everyone else. He is the person who decided to order executions for attacking colorful people. Amentans are possibly going to conquer lots of planets and he's trying to set what Amentans consider a good example and the more weird things he does the less likely he'll be emulated, probably for the worse. They haven't conquered other planets yet. He doesn't think we can stop them even with our resources."


"...the tomato thing is them on an unusually good day?"


"Their planetary history is of society after society repeatedly wiping out all its neighbors so their expanding population can live there itself. That's why he wants to do the population controls, it was the way they stopped."


"These people have no business having space travel but it's too late for that - it's Aitim's father's fault, he invented it."


"- isn't that not how their caste thing works?"


Helpless shrug. "Maybe the Nell got the credit. Oh, he's trying to avoid imposing the caste system and says it definitely wouldn't happen for thirty years. Birth control they're doing trials of now and they want to start the population controls in six, though that could probably get delayed if something went mysteriously wrong with the trials. It's going to be two children per family with an auction on top, and he says if it turns out not to be onerous then great but he wants it in place based on current human family size. He's worried that decreased risk of complications and rarer pregnancy loss will bump the birth rate. I asked if he could do anything with the fact a human population exists with good birth control and barely-replacement fertility and he thought it would help delay population controls, if there was good data."

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