in color amentans meet hazel
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...Timothy takes a swig of the water in the glass. "If you try to ask me questions I'll hex you. I have absolutely no idea why our families seem to match each other in temperament as well as appearance but they do. My father is Finis and my mother is Nell and my younger brothers are Michael, Theodore, Aaron, Minor, James, and Samuel, and whenever something seems to match everything else does as well -"


"You still haven't introduced yourself."


"I was curious how much it would bother you. Sorry. Sort of. Timothy."




"I hate it when you ask for thoughts I think the potion gives me less - formulation time - in that case and it doesn't give me much as is. I considered telling you my family's names as a rapport thing but you were considering dragging my father into this and I didn't want to remind you. There are half a dozen ways I know of you could have faked the drink but I will confess confusion about why you want me to believe that you're my mysterious human double when you're otherwise trying to give me usable information."


"Because it's true."


"Were you under the impression that asserting things twice is more evidence?"


"Honestly I find it very annoying that you look like me and sort of think like me, I was looking forward to extracting my answers from a terrible alien despot and then mind-controlling him to not be evil. If I get so far as liking you I won't be able to do the mind control and I like most people." He looks like he definitely did not intend to say that.


"Mind control that only works on people you dislike."


"They're called the Unforgiveables because you can't -" he waves his wand at himself. He stops talking altogether.


A minute later, "if you don't believe me you've got to be enjoying meeting the best actor you've ever met."


"'enjoy' is a bit strong but it's definitely a horizons-expanding experience. If your analysis of the industrial output question concludes like mine that Earth cannot be geared up inside a century to contest Amentan forces unless Earth has a substantial Amentan population, then what?"


"Then I figure out how to stop the executions and delay the population controls with all kinds of baffling apparent side effects and contest bad Amentan acculturation of the human population and manufacture whatever delays or experimental results or whatever you require to leave nomadic populations alone and we go full-tilt on industry and when it's at the point where you can't make excuses anymore we figure out what kind of reveal best deters Amentans from doing this to other places and restore Earth to a human government. And you can have part of Canada that doesn't have other people living there already, and Amentans who can tolerate their human rulers not insisting other people take five-hour showers can stay where they are, and Amentans who can't can come live here."


" - as terms of surrender offered by alien conquerors go, that's not bad."


"It's not an offer, it's how things might work out if there's really no good way to be rid of you all and still grow up fast enough to help the rest of the galaxy."


"You know what you are," says Aitim, "is greener - our idealists are all green - greener than I could ever have let myself be."


"Are you trying to make me like you so I can't do the mind control."


"Then stop killing people."


"I thought I wasn't going to remember this conversation?"


"I'm going to take the memory. But I might give it back, after consultation with my advisors."


"Is there anything else you think would be of interest to me?"


"My brother Makel's wife Peka is secretly red. You could straightforwardly destroy my whole family by bringing that to Amentan attention."



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