in color amentans meet hazel
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"I want to abolish the death penalty. I want to lean on the Catholic and Anglican churches to modernize about sexual ethics but in a less heavyhanded way that doesn't either crush it or create a bunch of martyrs. I want local rule but an overarching authority with enough power to stop wars and stuff. I want your trains and sewers and hospitals and schools if the schools can exclusively teach science and languages. I want everyone who likes roaming the plains as a lifestyle to get to keep roaming the plains - have you moved them yet -"


"No. We're trying to at least only move them once, means you have to be sure of what the plan is before you bother anyone."


"So I want them left alone forever. I want industry, I want starships of our very own. Does that give you enough of an idea?"


"It will probably be useful to know how you trade these things off against one another but it's definitely a better thing to be compelled to optimize for than 'shoo Amentans once we have their stuff'."


"So now what I have. I am a member of a secret society of humans called wizards. We can do magic. We thought you could do magic too, at first, the things you were doing were the sort possible with magic, but as far as we know you're all Muggles - non-magic users. Do you have any reason to believe that's not the case?"


"There are around twenty million wizards in the world. It's hereditary, mostly, sometimes turns up in the random human population and sometimes a wizard population turns a squib - someone who can't do magic. You have it or you don't, though people can vary in intelligence, reflexes, study habits, working memory, attention to detail, and therefore in ability to use it. Things we can do with magic include duplicating objects, finding people anywhere in the world - that's how I found you - building things that are bigger on the inside than the outside, teleportation, transportation networks, turning most objects into other objects, healing people, doing household chores with a wave of a wand, making cursed objects that adversely affect anyone who touches them, causing a vast array of effects on another person by waving a wand at them, including turning them into an animal, killing them, stunning them, paralyzing them, altering their memories -"


Sudden understanding.


"Yes, that's the plan, no I haven't done it to you specifically before - lasting absolute mind control of up to a couple of people at a time, depending how complicated the instructions you want them following, assuming the appearance of another person, love potions -" he goes on a while. "Should I let you write this down?"


"It would probably make me more useful to you."


He waves his wand. The paralysis evaporates. He hands him quill and parchment.


"I don't know how to use this."


"It's not hard."


Aitim is maybe-deliberately getting flecks of ink all over everything.


Timothy flicks his wand irritably and cleans them all up.


And he copies everything down. "Okay. The executions - can you think of a way to fake them? There aren't many, if I were sending the locations in advance -"


"Can't you tell your people to fake them?"


"It would be bizarre and put lots of other things under lots more scrutiny and the grays might start doing the court's job for them and say they resisted arrest."


"People who answer to you through secret channels instead of through your government?"


" - I could probably ask some people to do that but it'd be adding a lot of points of failure."


"How many executions are happening every day?"


"Eighty? Maybe a hundred on a bad day?"


"That's going to be really hard on my end. And also fuck you."


"How do they kill them, can you make it something easier to fake - we're really good at faking being burned at the stake, for historical reasons -"

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