in color amentans meet hazel
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"People lived here."


"Still live here. Haven't hurt them. Won't hurt them."


"Just tear up their homes and livelihoods and eat up their land to build cities everywhere. And you kill them for throwing fruit."


"One person. There was one execution for throwing rotten tomatoes."


"Did you set the executions policy."




" - not actually sure what information you'd consider relevant. I'm trying to bring this about with as few lives lost as possible. The worst possible outcome is an organized resistance and a ongoing civil war. Worst for the people of Earth, obviously, but also worst for - Amentans are going to encounter other aliens, if Earth is a model of how to get what we want while leaving the local population better off, successfully integrated, and well-treated, then it'll get copied. If Earth is a catastrophe - in particular if it fails because of my choice to be unusually, bizarrely lenient by Amentan standards - then everyone's going to say 'oh, what went wrong was he tried to play really nice with them, not execute anybody'..."


"Have other species been found?"


"Some of them might be more powerful than you."


"We are trying to deal with you the way we'd want a more powerful society to deal with us if they'd found us at the same tech level. Clear rules, humane and consistently enforced population controls, sanitation and hospitals and schools and an end to slavery and an end to war and a path to integration."


"Is that really all you'd want?"


" - it would not be our whole wishlist but it would be a lot of the items on our wishlist."


"Amentans don't care about being ruled by people who understand them and don't hold them in contempt and care about the same things as them -"


"We care about that. We're trying to do that here. It's hard for most people to do consistently with - the current population's education level and background assumptions - but we know it's important."


"You could have just offered us help."


"A population without population controls and with FTL is going to go to war with everybody they run across."


"Oh, unlike Amentans, who - oh wait -"


"Do you really mean that."


"If you'd had a stable population instead of an exponentially growing one, and sanitation, I think we wouldn't have started a war."


"It kind of seems like Amentans just want to increase their population too desperately to ever be trustworthy with interstellar travel."


"Is it new?"

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