in color amentans meet hazel
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"I noticed."


"How was your day -"


"Long. We don't all get lucky on spring, you know -"


"We can have two more now, if you want, I think their mothers would be delighted and we've plenty to leave them. Thank you for reviewing the next round of communications for me -"


"I wish those were more universalizable, it'd save so much time to approve one thing instead of two hundred-something."


"Someday. We get to announce schools, next week, that's more exciting than announcing rules. They're mostly doing okay - someone forwarded an analysis arguing that we've already halved the death rate everywhere we've finished infrastructure -"


"I am looking forward to ending slavery."


"End of the month, want the resources to reunite families and the local governments insist we should expect violence -"


"From the ex-slaves or against them?"


"From them - I don't believe them but I figure if we're cautious wherever the humans insist on being cautious the price is an extra month to abolish slavery and an extra year before we do population controls and an extra day before executions proceed normally, if we aren't - well, eventually we're going to step on something important."


"The executions thing is important."


"It's such a horribly unhealthy religion, I hope they abandon it once they have good educations and lower infant mortality and so on. But yeah, important for now."


"I think the kids should wait. Maybe I will get Isel and her baby to visit or something - it just makes more sense to wait until we're slightly less busy -"


"Well, until we're nine months away from being slightly less busy. Honestly, it's going about as well as could have been expected, I think we might be nine to twelve away from schools everywhere and decent infrastructure and internet and then things can coast until the scientists think they have birth control good enough it makes sense to impose controls.


" babies now?"


"I love you. Yeah, I think we could go ahead and start now if it'll help. And Isel and Almin can still come visit."


"-do you want to be related to the babies - I know it's my turn but if we're going to have more, you're the one who's nineteen -"


"One of each? I'd say 'and we don't even need to know' but with my luck one of them will have green hair, poor baby. And then both of the ones next year can be yours."


"Not poor baby, lucky baby, to have such wonderful green relatives who figured out planets for us. Lucky babies who will get lots of kids themselves."


Lean. Giggle. "They're vaguely optimistic they can figure out what the hormonal difference between people who permaspring here and people who don't is and come up with something that makes one likelier to not. But I like you like this."


"You are a terrible person, Aitim Neli."


"Ssshhhhh." Kiss. "Don't tell our billion new subjects."


They get the memory charm down and the shield charm down and hover around London waiting for someone to break the aliens' rules.


"Think there's a way to be annoying enough to get dragged in front of a judge without getting executed?"


"Probably but we're not taking chances. Waiting is fine - the stuff they're doing right now mostly isn't the stuff we're going to stop - presuming they're not doing the population control secretly by something in the water -"

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