in color amentans meet hazel
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"Their women barely wear any clothing," Minor mutters on the other end. "Not that I'm judging them but."


"What does that have to do with anything?"


"That would be why men are staring or getting weirdly close."


"That and the drunk part, reportedly."

Purples have changed the subject. "The moon is so big."

"I know, right? There's only one but they make up for it. I heard they think there are total solar eclipses here!"

"Total, like -"

"Like if you wait enough the moon will just go smack dab in front of the sun, bam, no sun, just like a little tiny bit around the edges."



"They're kinda sweet. Maybe they can stay even if we make their government fuck off."


"How'd you pick this assignment, anyway?"

"I like it cloudy, and, y'know, islands are neat. You?"

"Oh, I let them send me anywhere the wife and kids could fit in. My best friend's in, wosscalled, Jong-gwo?"


"That's just stupid, it's one thing that we can't pronounce Olvala's real name and have to swap some consonants but where in the fuck did 'China' come from if the people there call it Jong-gwo?"


"Why is that -"


       "Unclear etymology," says Finis regretfully.


"And apparently in Jong-gwo they're shorter -"

"Worse nutrition or just a phenotype thing? These people phenotype all over the place."

"I don't know, I guess we'll see in a generation when they've had population controls and a decent food supply for long enough. And they all have black hair, that's a phenotype thing, and that eye thing that Nama Peshi has, you know the thing -"

"They all have that?"

"All of them. Phenotyping all over the place."


" - when they've had population controls? Have they said anything about population controls?"


" - no."


One of the babies starts fussing and gets passed to its mom for nursing. "Nama Peshi was so good in Tam Wandering."

"I haven't seen it."

"Well, it's good."

"Yeah - you'd like it, it's the same director as Aftermath -"



"The fuck do they mean population controls."


"We don't have a way to control their topic choices," says Miranda.

"I wonder when Cene's going to get its planet."

"I hope it's not nicer than this one, I'd feel so ripped off -"

"We get a head start."

"Sure, but they get to learn from our colonization experience - they've got those observers prowling around -"

"If theirs is nicer they won't benefit that much from the colonization experience, if they get a nice planet they won't have to build them sewers -"


"Has anyone noticed observers wandering around - what are they observing for -"


"Is Cene one of the places we've heard mentioned -"


"No. Heard of Oahk, Tapa, Olvala which apparently isn't really called that but it's more similar than 'China', now Cene -"


"I hear Pa-ree didn't have too bad sewers for the tech level."

"Yeah, for the tech level."

"I know, I know."

"Do you know if you're seasoning right here yet?"

"Nah, we'd be reseasoning still anyway. You?"

"I've been here long enough that I'm sure I'm not but it's fine as long as Noame's little. Who's so little? You're so little! I've got your foot! I've got your little foot!"


"This country claimed the planet and Cene has observers - that's a little bit more excusable, if someone was going to conquer the planet and they thought they'd do it better -"


"They could do it well and not murder people and the fuck are population controls -"


"Have you read Malthus -"


"Is that one of your Muggle inventors? No."


"Not an inventor. Muggle, though. Populations grow exponentially, stuff you need to supply populations will grow with the tech level but not exponentially because you don't have the feature where the returns increase proportional to what they currently are, therefore poor people are always gonna starve to death unless they stop having so many kids."


" - they don't have birth control. If they did they'd probably be like wizards and wizard populations are barely growing - and without Muggleborns I think might be shrinking."


The purples coo over their babies enthusiastically.


"Probably they just mean they're going to invent birth control for Muggles, that would be good."

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