in color amentans meet hazel
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"Lots of Muggles are religious."


"So they'll ignore the public education campaign, who cares? As they keep saying, we're not anywhere near out of room."


"Do you think credits will stay this cheap?" one asks when they are momentarily done cooing.

"They're supposed to get even cheaper. My cousin's friend said she was waiting because she doesn't want ten and the cheap ones ought to go to people who are older now."

"If we permaspring here..."

"I think some people don't and the ones who do can go home."

"Yeah, my friend in Pilipinas says he's fine, he's in autumn now."

"Isn't that equatorial?"

"They're based on the north end of it."


(Wizards debate the best translation of the word 'credits'.)



"Michael, do you think people who conquered the world and execute people for throwing tomatoes are gonna do a public education campaign..."


"What else are they going to do -"


"I don't know - shoot extra people -?"


" - or sterilize them - we shouldn't jump to conclusions, they haven't said anything about this -"


"They might just not want to panic anyone."


"Or inspire a lot of resistance - right now people are mostly going along with it, if they start killing people that's gonna change -"


"Killing more people."


"I don't wanna be sterilized."


"Not going to happen. They don't even know we exist, we'll have as many kids as we want, if they try Timothy will change their minds -"


"I love you."


Miranda doesn't even wince at the suggestion.


Purples talk about their friends and their families and their jobs and their new homes here ("it's not like they're inherently really swanky but everything's so new") and politics ("I wonder how in the long run they're going to structure the place, is Earth just going to be the job of whoever holds that council seat or will they spin it off") and sports ("my hometown bell and stick team -" "you watch bell and stick?").


"Whoever holds that council seat. So there's currently one person in charge, that makes our lives easier."


"If only we knew anything about them at all."


"The thing I want to know is actually not about them - they ordered people executed for tomato-throwing, morally we can do whatever we need to with them - it's about oversight - if they start acting erratically what's the mechanism to remove them, if they declare there won't be any kind of population controls then what..."


"So we need to know about the observers from Cene."




I want to learn that reversible memory charm now."


Eventually Theodore comes home and is apprised of things. "Why is your first priority here a memory charm -"


"Maybe there's a book somewhere conveniently titled 'our official and unofficial lines of oversight and what would happen if our leadership declared an end to the executions and the population control thing'. But if there's not, the thing I'm tempted to do is find someone important, grab them in their sleep, question them under Veritaserum for a few hours, and then send them back."

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