in color amentans meet hazel
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"They started it."


"I wasn't objecting, just, fuck."



"Fortunately 'important' is apparently color-coded."


"Uh huh."


"I don't think they're gonna be walking around on our insufficiently-clean streets."


"Judges are blue. If we put a tracing charm on someone they're dragging off to execute -"


"Judges might not be, uh, blue enough, but it could give you an idea, you could trace the judge home, yeah."


"They don't drag that many people off, we might have to wait around awhile to catch one."


"We can go in shifts, maybe."


"Can't actually bother a blue until we have the memory charm down anyway. - and Veritaserum, do we have Veritaserum -"


"You could tell if they're lying anyway, right - I do think we have some but if we want to save it -"


"Probably but I can't make them talk in the first place. Threatening them seems less kind than Veritaserum."


"I could make it or get Dad to but it takes a long time."


He checks. "We have some. Okay, let's hang out in London on shifts waiting for someone to be violent at the skypeople and study memory charms and that actually-adequate shield charm in the meantime."


"Anybody already know both things and wanna go first?"


"I might have the memory charm in a bit. I want to bring Fredrick and Iris in on this, we can cover more ground and I trust them." He frowns at his father.


"Sure," says Finis, "fine, as long as they don't get in the way."


"Thank you."


Miranda sets her demonstrative stick to work.


Wizards work on memory charms.


He gets a summary of construction projects (on schedule) and civil disturbances (some people gathered around relevant palaces, some in churches, spontaneous riots in several locations in response to the news that the conquerors hadn't been arranging prisoners last rites) - "Fix that."

        "Slows everything down, sir, and it's nonsense. And now more people are dead - we should have just lied -"

"They know who their priests are, they could ask around. Look, can we get it into place fast enough if we just tell everyone to go grab the nearest priest or do I need to order a 24-hour hold on executions -"

       " - I don't see how we can get it into place that fast."

"Then I'm ordering a hold." 

      She winces. "Cene'll -"

"Twenty-four hours, we've been well under the maximum, it's of cultural significance, I'd be happy to discuss it with someone. Maybe get out in front of it and tell them that now." Reading, reading..."I want to talk to Efatsi Ahtem, half his projects are behind schedule."

      "He wrote you - "

"I read it, I want to talk to him." He reviews an announcement for the second phase of infrastructure projects. He reviews the next batch of question answers for billboards in two hundred and eighty regional cultural groups currently being handled separately. "Lim Tsai isn't giving me enough information to evaluate his region's communications."

     "Yes, sir."

"Our translation from Malay is terrible."

      "There's some kind of problem with -"

"Make my father do it."

      "He declined."

" - don't tell him 'fix this', tell him 'this is unfixable because whatever-the-problem-is'. I want a two-hour meeting tomorrow to talk about the Catholic Church with Seta and Liem and Ashatai and Kalavel -"

      "- none of whom have two hours tomorrow -"

"It can wait till midweek but not longer and I won't compromise on length, there's a lot to cover."


He reviews a visual summary of human letters and then ten actual randomly chosen human letters and then a summary of Anitami constituent feedback so far - flips through by country - 

- goes home for dinner.


"We're delaying the justice system to give the humans priests, huh."


"Is it on the news already? Not a hard call, even if it's an expensive one. They care about it."

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