in color amentans meet hazel
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" - okay, we have a way to shoo them if we're really desperate and their command structure is convenient enough and we can get close."


"You know the Imperius?"


"I didn't say that, did I?"


"Why do you know the Imperius?"


"If I knew the Imperius it would presumably be because I had occasion to learn how to throw off the Imperius and was an attentive student."


"...does Occlumency not do that..."






"Bracelet may cover it, Cricket may be able to detect it."


"And it's really hard to cast for the purpose of helping someone learn to throw it off, inconveniently. Doesn't matter, if they're Muggles we're not at risk."


"Until some wizard decides this world domination thing sounds fun and they've already done half the work."


" - okay, true."


" - yeah, if the world is run by Muggles ignorant of us then it's really just a question of who gets to it first."



"Well, Timothy owes me a continent."




"Minor, why don't we all start learning Anitami."


"That sounds like lots of fun but I'm actually not clear on why you'd start there."


"We need more information, hanging around their operations centers seems like a decent way to get it, the language helps with that. We might at some point want to impersonate them, polyjuiced or just with hair dyed; the language is necessary for that. If we want to take some of them off and ask questions, we can't assume the important ones speak English or any Earth languages."


Miranda Accios the magic dictionary.


Minor and Finis can do language lessons!! Finis has some theories on the different color dialects which Minor adopts immediately and which are hard for everyone else to remember!


Theodore leaves again to go spy on skypeople in their tall building house complex. "I'll wear a wire, you can get more vocab off it. I'm never gonna get fluent enough for impersonation schemes so I don't see how it matters."


"It might matter if you ever end up eavesdropping without a transmitter but it's probably not that big a deal, yeah."


Theodore sneaks into skypeople complex behind a skyperson and parks close enough to talking skypeople that his transmitter can transmit.


There are some purples with some purple babies hanging out chatting! There are greys playing something in the tennis genre! There are yellows practicing English, with a green along for good measure!


On the other end wizards listen to chatting purples with purple babies.


"So I said sure they mostly want construction and shopkeepers now but they'll have room for everything soon enough, there's room for proper cities in hundreds of sites across the planet, I said he can work in a shop for now and open a restaurant later -"

"I'd feel weird going out to eat here, it's not clean yet -"

"Are they going to make the natives shower properly at some point once the infrastructure's all up?"

"I hope so. I wear gloves and don't let them behind the counter but once a drunk one lunged at me -"

"It's always men for some reason, have you noticed, I don't think I would have noticed except they have such funny facial hair styles and it's conspicuous."

"I hadn't noticed that actually, but yeah, now you mention it, always men getting too close."

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