In their dorm room, an elf and a human complete a spell in perfect step with each other.
"I guess you could probably make an artifact that played music but it'd take, like, months, with normal magic. And I don't even know how you'd try to make an artifact with the explodey kind."
"Oh, I like my magic! I built my house with it! But yours seems like it's way more convenient overall."
"Cool! Maybe I'll pester them if I want to learn about technical magic details, are they pesterable types? I'd feel bad asking the accidental kidnappers a million questions, they like, owe me, I don't wanna lean on that too much."
"Back to your hotel room sounds like a place to go, certainly. —I should probably mention at this point that I have a girlfriend, but we do this kind of thing all the time, she won't mind."
"Yep. I can introduce you when she visits. I bet she'll like you, you're very cute."
"Fifteen minutes' walking," he says as they exit the theater. "No good place to land near it. Not big, anyway, I can eagle it."
Anlei appreciates these things about him! Anlei is not bad herself. And very cheerful and cuddly. They will have such a good time together.
And then she is welcome to stay the night or -
"I don't have a place to land here but if you want a ride back, this building is tall enough that if you jumped I could shift under you. Or just walk to the park, but you seem like the type to have fun with the jumping thing."
"...the jumping thing sounds awesome but so does staying the night. Guess I could stay the night and you could fly me back in the morning."