In their dorm room, an elf and a human complete a spell in perfect step with each other.
"There's down magic. It makes things fall down. It points towards - I think it's 'sufficiently large flat surfaces', but I don't remember for sure, and I forget the exact numbers on size of surface and range of effect - the world has a flat top and flat sides and a flat bottom, so all of those surfaces have down. But only the top of the world also has nice things like plants and weather."
"...I've never actually checked, but I at least heard that my world is just a really really big ball, so big that if you stand on it you can't tell it's not flat, and down just goes toward the middle."
"It seems way tidier than a square - what happens at the corners? - but that could just be because it's what I'm used to."
"What do you mean, what happens at the corners? Or do you mean edges too, corners aren't different really."
"Oh, there's no down without a flat bit under you, people who try to walk over an edge tend to get dizzy and throw up."
She beams at him. "Best dragon."
And with a vague wave at Mial, "You can be second-best."
"There's one! And none of us turn into things! Aurin claimed turning into things was a pretty small niche but there keep being more of you!"
"I'm not a dragon, I'm just dragonish. Anyway, want to see the bottom of the world? It's very boring there, perfect for playing with fire."