A few days later, Arthur gets a message from the twins asking when the four of them can hang out. What does Dayo think?
"Nothing new happened on our end, before you ask. Pity us and our boring lives."
"I'm just saying we are normal boring people who happen to have extra limbs and weather powers. We need to eat, work and sleep as much as you do."
"I need sleep too!" He says suddenly and then... fails to turn a brighter shade of red because he is at pick red already. He does look like he is mentally kicking himself.
"...Did you not get any sleep last night or something? You're acting kiiiinda too nervous today."
"Okay... so," he is actually not sure if it's okay to refer to them as "the twins"; what can he use instead? "Felix and Fenris, we have been talking about..."
"Polyamory sounds fun and it would be cool to date both of you," she cuts to the chase.
...and their lips will break into a smile.
"Oooh, that sounds like a great idea."
"Thought it would be. So, Jessica was right, this is a date. Surprise!"