A few days later, Arthur gets a message from the twins asking when the four of them can hang out. What does Dayo think?
As it happens.
And the day after that Arthur and Dayo will have time to talk.
"They kinda are, aren't they," she says, raising an eyebrow. "I'd love to get to know them better."
She giggles. "It wasn't your fault. At any rate I think there was one conversation we should be having..."
He makes a mock-horrified face. "Oh, my gosh! Is that what you wanted to talk about? I assumed we were going to have a long conversation about how we can better keep ourselves pure of sinful influences."
He giggles. "Are you telling me that you had something else in mind?" He bats his eyelashes at her.
He giggles. "Alright, alright. Aaaand I'm totally comfortable with nonmonogamy."
She beams, but then turns serious. "We should figure out what we're comfortable with, though. I pretty much am incapable of feeling romantic jealousy—I will get sad if you meet someone else and leave me for them but... I would rather you be with someone who makes you happy and if that's not me I don't want artificial external ties like monogamy forcing it."
"Aw... I hope I'm that good. But I don't know. When I think about it, I don't feel jealousy about you being with the twins... except if you three decided to break up with me, I guess."
He grins right back. "Hope springs eternal. And... well, how do we proceed from this point on? I think they're interested in you."