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"Are you sure? They stole a senator and her guards."


"For kidnapping their emissaries. If you attacked me, they'd prosecute that. If you attack people in Calado, well, you're an asshole, but they can't police the whole universe. I kind of wish they'd arrest you, because mugging people is horrible and Calado's law enforcement seems kind of inconsistent, but it's not how they work."


"I thought you were one of them, I thought if I didn't bother you you'd leave me be, and then you dunked me in the sea and I almost drowned."


"And that's why they're going to arrest me and want to talk to you."


"...and there's nothing I can do about that."


"...why don't you want them to consult you about a crime committed against you?"


"What if they also think they should dunk me in the sea?"


" - I'm a bus driver, they're the government. They don't dunk people in the sea. It's illegal to dunk people in the sea, which is the whole reason they will want to talk to you at all!"


"But you're with them, you showed up when they did..."


"...don't you have the whole color thing so the distinction is easier to understand? I am an alien. I drive a bus. Drove a bus. My country has a government. That government has some rules, like that you can't endanger people using teleportation, that it only enforces on its own citizens - and some rules that it enforces everywhere. Like - Calado only enforces rules about theft in Calado, right, but they'd enforce population control anywhere. And if some purple in Calado does something, that doesn't mean their government does it, right?"


"Yeah." Mugger is purple.


"So. You can tell them to shoo but if you want to talk to them all they're gonna want is to get a victim statement and stuff."




He takes him to under the platform.


There is a different bus driver explaining that shuttles will continue for 24 hours to get everyone home safely but at that time they will cease, duration to be determined.


Oh no, what happened? Are shuttles to neighboring countries still working?


Those are official shuttles which their governments negotiated for and they work. Calado was just this one guy and he dunked a mugger in the ocean to disarm him which is super illegal so he's been arrested and emergency transit authorized for the next day to make sure everyone gets home safely.


What are you supposed to do with muggers?


Teleporters who aren't police aren't supposed to move people against their will at all, but taking him somewhere safe would have been legal.


People go home on the emergency shuttle or go to neighboring countries.


Some people knock on the mugger's door to ask if they can talk with him.


He says he would rather not.


They leave.


...does Calado do anything about the fact he's been mugging people at gunpoint.


Yup, he is brought in for questioning but they let him go.


"Look," bus guy says in his hearing, "people in Calado need a way to get out of Calado because the entire country is an unmitigated disaster. Find someone else who wants to do it."

      "- this is a court."

"Yeah yeah - I couldn't think of anywhere else where the gun going off definitely wouldn't kill random innocent people, I know the rules, I understand that I hurt someone, if I were to be allowed to keep the teleport I'd make sure to know a larger definitely empty safe location to teleport people in an emergency before working a route there - I had a safe location but it was safe for 'building collapsing on people' not for 'nut with gun' - does that cover the court part so now we can talk about Calado -"

      " - that is not how -"

"This is really important! I'll subsidize them if the problem is that Vanda Nossëo won't and no one wants to pay the stupid tolls! They live in Calado and they deserve the right to leave!"

The court is charmed. Bus guy gets a fine and a reassignment to a very safe route with a bar on visiting non-member countries. 


Someone else inquires with same blue about recontinuing shuttle services. 


It's all the same to the blue.

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