Macalaurës who have not yet seduced a Rebecca feel that they have been issued a challenge. They get to work on it.
He goes to Eclipse and does research. Eclipse makes him feel very uncomfortable.
"If I had the fancy kind of teleport I could just vanish with the gun," bus guy grumbles to his windshield, and then pops back and forth across the aisle of his bus five times, anxiously - "does this stupid country even have police -"
He steps out of the shuttle.
He and mugger and gun disappear.
He and mugger and gun appear in the middle of the ocean.
" - I can tell them that you don't want to but I don't know much about the process, they might want to anyway. You can tell them not to when they stop by to talk but I don't know if I can get them not to stop by in the first place, I think once it's reported they are strict about procedures and stuff."