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The Revelation emissaries for cultural exchange are fascinated and curious!


Do they want a shuttleport too?


Of course! Several.


Elves forward the blueprints of the shuttleport layouts these new magic aliens recommend! 


Shuttleports go up.


Shuttles pop into existence! The emissaries to Revelation are perhaps chosen for exciting amounts of alien; there's a frost giant and an Andalite and a three-foot bird person and some Warp humanoids and some Elves and humans in the back.



Revelation wants to know all the things about them and where they came from and what their worlds are like and how long they've been hopping around.


Well, the spell for it was developed about forty local years back and then a world with a more efficient way was discovered maybe twenty local years ago and they have a consortium and they can all describe their worlds individually - lots of them are expats living on Vanda Nosseëo - "we have a consortium, we do humanitarian aid everywhere and have internal free trade and free migration -"


Many Revelation political units would like to maybe join Vanda Nossëo.


Cool! The membership requirements should go up online so everyone can read them and ask questions, and it has to pass a vote, "but the membership requirements are mostly things we'll help you with if you're not there yet - humane prisons and universal access to healthcare and education and freedom of speech and the same laws for everyone -"


This doesn't require them to let demons solicit souls, does it? Like, the demons who used to be humans are one thing, but the naturally occurring ones...


They're unfamiliar with both the concern and relevant law. "- most species don't actually have souls."


"We have a problem where if we let demons talk they will often try to get us to give them our souls. Ours aren't physical objects like Elves' but we'd still sooner keep them."


Nods. "What are they - how does someone take one - is it only demons that are prohibited from doing that or is everyone else also prohibited from doing it -"


"Demons are the only ones who've evinced an ability to do so; we don't know the mechanism. We're pretty confident they can only take them from their summoners if traded them."


"...well, as long as the law says that no one is allowed to steal souls, then it's not a discriminatory law, but we should probably look into that further in case magic can help with it in some other respect - what happens when someone's soul is taken -"


"Sometimes nothing discernible, at least during their lifetime, but many people have assorted adverse psychological reactions."


"If it's all right with you we'll run some experiments looking into that further?"


"We wouldn't want anyone losing their soul over an experiment."


"Even an alien who doesn't have a preference about having a soul?"


"...uh, a lot of our ethical research protocols continue to apply even if you can extract consent."


"...is it a concern for people to conduct experiments at home and record the data for others, if that activity isn't coordinated?"


"If it's on themselves..."


"I bet lots of people will be fascinated. We cease to exist when we die, you know, and can be retrieved through a standard resurrection, so there's not the slightest sign we have souls. I'd worry more about people who are nonreductionist."



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