And she sets about settling into Ponyville.
She learns her way around - here's where she can buy carrots and bunched dandelions and clover sprouts; here's where she can get a case for her crown and cases for everpony else's necklace so they don't have to wear them or leave them lying around loose; here's a shortcut between Guiding's house and the tower the twins live in together. This is when this little town wakes up in the morning and this is when everything closes at night. This is what her friends do all day: Cherry Cordial farms and looks after critters. Brightblaze tinkers with gadgets kind of singlemindedly (though she also flies). Silver Streak plays violin and and reads and wanders around looking at things. Guiding Star does fortune-telling for spare bits and belongs to a dance group and volunteers for anything going on in town that could use amateur decorating (Joy is often with her when she does this). Joy also wanders around being sociable and helpful and cooks, itinerantly, for anypony who'll spare him kitchen space.
And Clarity learns the organizational system of the library, with Blueberry's considerable help, and she studies and explores.
And when she's been in residence for just shy of a week, she gets a letter from the Princess, which contains six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Aww, that's thoughtful. Clarity's never been before.
She goes out to see which of her friends she'll run into first if she takes a meandering path through town.
"It's all done! I didn't have that much - the library has copies of most of the important books, and I'm not really a 'clothes' pony so all I have is one dress for special occasions. Speaking of special occasions, do you want a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala? The Princess sent me six."
"If a bunch of them go, then I'll go too," he says. "And a bunch of them probably will. But if you find somepony else that you want to invite and they really want to go, I don't mind giving up my ticket."
"Okay. Maybe if nopony else on the list is interested I'll just sell the tickets. I'm not all that excited about it either, although I guess I could visit my parents as long as I was in Canterlot since that's not my default location anymore."
"Somepony else will want to go," he assures her. "I know Streak and Blaze have family in Canterlot too, and Guiding and Cordy both like parties."
It's at least ten, but then Brightblaze opens the door and beams at her. "Hey, Clarity! What's up?"
"I'll go ask her what she thinks! Come in if you want," she says, and leaves the door half-open while she dashes inside to put her boots on (the missing plate having been replaced a few days prior) and blaze out the window.
Blaze zooms back in after only a minute or two. "Streak wants to come too!" she reports.
"I'm going to ask Guiding next and then Cordy and if they also want to come that'll be everypony."