"Okay. I'm not going to - I'm not even coming up with anything slightly tempting for bear-antagonizing purposes."
"Unless they're antagonized by weird things? I don't know much about bears. Animals in general, really, beyond common knowledge."
"Nothing you're likely to do by accident. They're pretty laid-back. Yelling at them or making snide remarks would be a bad idea, that kind of thing."
"How much do critters understand when ponies who aren't you are doing the talking, anyhow?" wonders Clarity.
"It varies. Seb's basically fluent," the raccoon smiles, "and the bears have a pretty good vocabulary, but bees tend to understand almost nothing but tone of voice and hummingbirds have trouble with verbs."
"They don't pick up or remember them as easily, and they confuse them for each other. I'm really not sure why. It might have something to do with verbs being more complicated to recognize, because they have a bunch of different forms, and nouns just come in singular and plural and most other words don't vary at all."
"Huh, I guess that makes sense. I've considered getting a pet of some kind, but never actually did it - there was never quite enough reason to or a critter that seemed very much like it needed to live with me."
"Yeah. Sebastian's a good fit with me, but I don't think I'd want to get a pet just to have a pet."
"He lives nearby. We hit it off the first time we talked, and I asked if he wanted to learn how to read and write, and he said sure, and it went from there."
Clarity does not antagonize the bears (or scare the birds, or offend the frogs, or distress the bunnies, or alarm the mice). She bids Cordy goodbye after they've made the entire rounds and then she goes back to Ponyville proper, meaning to find dinner of some sort and then read all evening.
"Yep! Everypony's coming, so I suppose you are too. And then I went with Cordy on her rounds and now I'm starving."
"The cafe just around the corner does a really good daffodil and daisy sandwich, and I bet they're not busy at this time of day, sound good?"
He leads her to the cafe, which proves to be fairly fancy, and they are offered a table right away - it's exactly as unbusy as he predicted.
"What have you been up to?"
"Nothing much. Lazy day," he says cheerfully. "Talked to some people, went rock hunting up in the hills."
"You seem to be the only dragon in Ponyville, and I never ran into one in Canterlot, either. Where'd you come from?"
"Well, I don't exactly know," he says. "Princess Celestia gave me to my parents as an egg. I don't know where she got me."