"Canterlot. They're nice ponies, but I don't really have a lot in common with them."
Especially the part that is their food, which has just arrived. Nom nom.
Om nom! "My mom adores Canterlot because there's always something to do and all her friends are there, and my dad likes it fine too - I think he might have liked a smaller town if he'd been born in one but they're both native Canterlot dwellers and he wouldn't want to move. I found it kind of - easy to get lost in. There's always something going on, all right, and it'll just sort of - go on even if anypony in particular doesn't show up. It was sort of anonymous. I got invited to things but I mostly didn't go because it didn't matter."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. I kind of liked that about it. Although it was different in the circles my parents ran in - with the high society types, everypony who's anypony knows who's who and who came to what. They didn't really take me to events like that, though, because, you know," he shrugs, "dragon."
"I guess Canterlot is a big city and I just never ran into you wherever you were turning up. I know almost nothing about society-type events. The School for Gifted Unicorns operates under Celestia's administration but it's not exactly - formal balls and titled ponies. I guess the Gala might be, though. And she gave me six tickets so - considering - I kind of assume dragons are welcome at it."
Which doesn't mean nopony's going to be weird about it, but he's used to that. It's fine.
"I wonder who all else tends to show up at it. I wonder if I'll know anything about what to say to them. I suppose I can just tell the story about the Elements again, since that's probably why we'll be there at all. I didn't get tickets last year even though I was the Princess's student back then."
"You'll probably do fine," says Joy. "Especially with all your Ponyville friends there."
"Yeah, I suppose if everything else is inaccessible I can just talk to you guys."
She finishes her sandwich. "Do you know if your parents are going?"
"They'll be going. I haven't heard from them about it or anything, but I know them. They'll be going."
Clarity peers at his face and - can't quite think what she's supposed to say.
He shrugs, and produces a smile. "Anyway, I hope you have fun there. I hear the food's really good!"
"I've heard that too." She floats a stray daisy petal to her mouth and chomps it out of the air.
"Do you know if the chocolate cake here is good, or should I just go home and have an apple for dessert?"