Nom nom nom. "How'd you learn to cook?" Clarity wonders. "I'd have invited you to borrow my kitchen if the library had one, but it doesn't really, everything I keep around there is stuff that's good raw."
"I can do a little bit, but Morning - that's my mom - did most of it at home so most of what I know are the steps in longer recipes that were easier to do with me helping by magic. She makes good homemade hayburgers."
"Morning does them good! I've never had better at a restaurant. She gets them really crispy on the outside. Maybe when we're in Canterlot for the gala I'll bring you all to my parents' house and see if she'll make a batch. I'll write them tonight." Clarity makes a note of this.
"Mm-hm! Morning has tons. Argent - my dad - doesn't have so many, but still some. He goes and nets riverberries with them. It's excruciatingly boring."
"They just sit there, nineteen minutes of twenty. They don't even really talk, they just wait for riverberries to drop off the bushes upstream because they're too prickly to go pick. I mean, a unicorn could do it and Argent is one, but only if you're willing to maneuver the berry very carefully for like ten minutes each through the gaps in the branches, it's actually faster to net them from the water."
"I'll go write to my parents and see what I have in the way of a library budget now, I think. Then reading. Thanks for the restaurant pointer!"
When she gets up in the morning, she decides to wander through a part of town she has not visited yet.
Ponyville isn't that big, but it's big enough to become lost in. Drat.