the monastary is only hosting female delegates
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From further away on the table, the girl who was reading The Acts of Iomedae in the library earlier asks loudly "Cool!  Do you have any with you, can we read them?"


The advance arrangement on seating was supposed to prevent any loudness, but this is fine.

"We could do... no charge for you using the library, in exchange for borrowing some of your novels while you're here?"


"Sure! That was what I meant when I said I had books with me that probably weren't like what you'd had before." 


"Right.  Well I'm sure we'll love them!"  And spar even harder for turns at reading time.

The students are finishing up there stew, and its getting later into the evening.

"Should I have someone show you to your room?  In a few hours, we'll have a bell for 30 minutes until quiet hours, followed by another bell once quiet hours start.  And then a morning bell around an hour after dawn (not that you can tell down here) indicating morning exercises are starting, followed by another bell around 3/4 of an hour after for breakfast porridge.  You don't have to feel obliged to stay if porridge isn't your preference, I know with the convention stipend you can find better elsewhere."  Thea is slightly embarrassed she hasn't figured out something better than porridge but still cost effective.


She lobbied hard (and traded off quite a bit on the Restore Corpse meat income) for the later bell time.


"I'll at least try it! If I don't like it I can do something else on later days." 


"Sounds good."


"I can show you to your room if you're done eating?"


"Let me put my books in the library first." 


"I'll walk with you" and Dia starts to lead the way in case Nuria has memorized the layout already.

"I think you're the best scenario for test case tenant we could have had."  If you're, you know, actually a Desna cleric.  Thea was supposed to be more suspicious and rely on Dia's assessment of people's characters more.  Well, at least Dia can make her assessment now.  And they should be able to contrive some excuse to check if Nuria is actually a cleric... actually, since she's a good cleric there's an obvious one...


"Is Estelle not your test case? Or does she not count."


"Well she isn't paying in money, but rather collaborating on the meat situation and tutoring a bit on spell craft, so I guess not?  And the beggars we brought in don't count either, they aren't paying and if they made themselves too much of a problem we would just have them leave." and neither Estella or the beggars are going to be as tied into the fate of the country as the other future tenants, but Dia is trying to actually exercise patience and caution, so won't bring that up just yet.


"That makes sense. I'm glad I'm doing well, then."


"I was talking about us, but that's true too!"  Her personality seems way too... sunny, but maybe romance novel smuggler 2nd circle Desnan clerics are just like this?

And in a few more minutes they reach the library.

"Oh, if you have any spare channels leftover today or leftover spells to convert to cure spells, it would be great if you could heal Lilly.  She acts tough, but those bruises on her face are going to look worse before they look better.  We can spare... at least 5 coppers on it, but I would have to check with Thea if you wanted more."  And if Dia can at least confirm this is a good cleric, she can sleep easier tonight (as opposed to organizing a careful stealthy overnight watch on her room).


"No, I won't charge for tonight's channel." 


"Thank you.  We should get Estella as well, her old injuries aren't helped by the simple positive energy of a cure light wound, and it's likely the same for a channel, but I'm pretty sure it eases her pain for a bit"  And Estella can detect magic to make sure it's not actually a mass cure light wounds disguised as a channel."

And they arrive at the library.  Lilly beat them there and is back to reading the Acts of Iomedae.  

"Lilly, could you get Estella, Nuria has offered us a channel" and Estella has already been briefed on their plan to confirm clerics are indeed Good clerics.  "We'll meet in the main area."

"Well... pick a shelf, lots to chose from" Dia chuckles at her own joke.


Nuria unpacks her books and lines them up on a couple of empty shelves. 

...More of her trunk contained books and less clothes than most people would have packed, even if they were the sort of person who had books. 


That... certainly fits with the romance novel smuggler story?  But, if the Sisterhood of Eiseth had sent an assassin after them, they would probably at least equip her in a way plausible to their cover story.  A channel should be proof against that scenario.  A single use item of mass cure light wounds would be unusual (well except for scrolls), and one that could beat a detect magic to appear as a channel completely unheard of.  Dia gives no outward sign of her worries.

"And I think we're going to meet back in the main area."  Dia leads the way... the assassin should prioritize Thea, so turning her back is would be worth it if it got the assassin to reveal themselves sooner.


Nuria follows along while continuing to not be an assassin. 


Lilly, Estella, one of the beggars, and a few other students are standing around waiting for the channel.


Estella already has her detect magic up, and is giving no visible sign she is concentrating on anything.

”I also have some ideas and things to test about channeled positive energy, if you have spares on other days.  Probably dead ends, considering no one else has invented arcane healing based on the existing spell False Life.”


"Well, I encourage you to try!" 

And when everyone is ready, she channels. 


“For one of the tests I need to prepare a few things ahead of time with a few hours notice.  Yes, it’s worth trying.”
And it is indeed not a spell, nor a spell like ability, and her throat feels slightly better so it healed, and Lilly’s face is fully healed.  She gives a slight nod to herself, the signal for Dia (not that she is making eye contact, that would be too obvious).


It's so good to see that kid's face get un-bruised! 


Dia doesn’t give any outward sign of relief, because she was actually taught some social subterfuge, unlike most of her Sisters.

“Well I’ll show you to your room then!” And Dia leads on towards another hallway.

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