the monastary is only hosting female delegates
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Nope! As soon as she sees what it is her curiosity is satisfied. What's that Melodies of Inner Beauty, is it Shelynite? It sounds Shelynite.


Lilly lets out a small, almost inaudible sigh of relief seeing her turn away.

It is in fact Shelynite!   It contains the history of the goddess... although it does elide a bit in regard to Zon-Kuthon (but it does make sure to say the Shelyn still hopes to find some secret to redeeming him).  And it has various stories about Shelyn and her church's dogma.


Nice, nice. She reads a bit of it and then settles in with her selection of Desnan graffiti. 


Assuming she can skip the commentary (it was pretty helpful of the Amodean writer to separate it so cleanly from the rest of the text) there are all sorts of wacky, practical, and mystical sayings:

"Follow your intuition, but bear the consequences."

"You'll need a map for the next section, the road breaks into a lot of footpaths"

"Goblins ahead, but they fear books and love fireworks!"

"Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns, you travel beneath a thousand other worlds"

"I drink to make other people more interesting" (probably a Caydeanite one)

"Travel far enough, you meet yourself.  Nice reflective pool ahead."

"The road less traveled may have sights less seen, but there is a reason it is less traveled.  DO NOT take a shortcut by the swamp!"

“If it scares you, it may be a good thing to try.”

"Flowers can grow between even the hardest of stones."

"liquid courage last hours, bruises last days" (and another Caydeanite one, the book is pretty poorly organized, especially if you're skipping the commentary)

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them."


...Okay, how is the Asmodean going to clown on himself by making fun of "you'll need a map for the next section." 


The fact that anyone would be traveling without a map (the author is blind to the privilege of their wealth) is a demonstration of chaotic people's unwillingness to follow proper direction and the Chaotic Gods' unwillingness to give proper direction!  The Asmodean spends another three paragraphs ranting on the lack of discipline of chaos and the perfect instruction of Asmodeus!  In the next paragraph, they finally address the other part of the quote, the lack of discipline of chaos has split the road into chaotic footpaths that are harder to navigate, just as chaos and lawlessness propagated by the Chaotic Good Gods make it harder for people to follow the true path set by Asmodeus.  The author spends another 3 paragraphs working this point to death, in increasingly belabored metaphors and analogies with some obnoxious pieces of terminology worked in without definition (it is possible the author tried to force the usage of the terminology without understanding it).  By the final sentence, the original meaning is undecipherable without previous context: "And so, the corrigibility of the path and its potholes is only as straight as the road it is laid on, just as Asmodeus's instruction is the true path laid on the road for corrigible mortals to have their holes filled and all footpaths are the incorrigibility of the useless, weak, and undisciplined Chaotic Gods rife with flaws".

And... it's probably best not to read any further in this section, the author goes on a tangent about torture.  (And although the torture is impractical in its brutality, it is in fact pretty brutal.)


Yeah she skips the torture bit. This guy clowned on himself just as much as she expected, though! 

Once she's more or less finished with the Desnan lines, she goes back to the shelf. What's the Unbinding of Fetters? 


It is Irori's Holy Text!  Some of it simply practical instructions on techniques and methods relevant for monks such as meditation, diet, exercise, training, and so on.  And some of it is riddles and mental exercises and layered metaphors with varying levels of explanation (some are left completely unexplained!)


Huh! ...She's not going to lie, she had expected that book title to go with a chaotic god. Well, she's in an Irorite temple right now; she might as well read a little of this before dinner. 


If she wants a practical (and topical) section... a section on dietary regimes discusses merits of vegetarianism vs. various amounts of meat in one's diet.  (Among humans it makes sure to note) there is something essential in meat for good development of muscles... but certain types of beans, certain types of nuts, eggs, and certain cheeses can all seem to substitute for meat!  There is a translator's note that the humbly admit they don't have Taldane words for all the exact types of beans, nuts, and cheeses.  Also, too much of some meats is bad (for humans), but the text is less sure of this.  A footnote adds that after a dispute a commune confirmed excess meat is in fact harmful.

Before Nuria can get into too many details, or look for another section, Lilly speaks up "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but the bell for dinner will ring soon and we're on the other side of the abbey, so we should start moving a bit before that."


"Oh! Okay." She puts the book away. 


And Lilly will lead her through the hallway, back to the central open area with the false sky (now empty of students).  A bell rings as they cross it, and Lilly continues to lead her, reaching a large room with long tables.  This room also has a permanent illusion on the ceiling, buts it a more ominous reddish glow instead of a pleasant sky.  The students are lining up in front of a large pot of stew, leaving space in front of them for Nuria.  "That's your spot in line"  Lilly points out.  Behind the students also waiting in line are three haggardly looking women dressed in worn down clothes, the kind of wear that a Mending can't fix. One is clearly old, the second has some sort of deformity leaving her body asymmetrical, and the third doesn't look old in number of years but by how much life has worn her down.


There is a woman in front of Nuria's spot.  She glances back at Nuria.  She is nicely dressed, but with notable scars on her face extending down to her neck.  Her clothes don't match with the robes of the students, and her build is thinner than any of the students.


Thea is behind the pot, prepared to serve from it.


"Hello!" Nuria cheerfully greets the woman in front of her. 


"Hi" she answers back in a raspy voice and a thin forced smile.  She gestures towards the food, and moves forward to get her stew.


"Do you want some of the students to sit with you, and if so, do you mind questions from them?  And this is Estella, a tenant, but not student here, and wizard.  I mentioned I'm starting to take on tenants to help the monastery's finances, right?"

The students are disciplined, but they have the expectant look for Nuria to move forward in line.

There is also some hard bread to dip in the stew.


"Right! --It'd be really convenient to stay here for the convention, what're your rates?" 

She collects stew and bread. 

"And I don't mind questions."


Thea nods to the students, of which it seems it was picked in advance for 4 to sit around Nuria along with Estella.

"I was planning on a silver piece per day, including a room to yourself, stew for dinner, some porridge for breakfast, plenty clean water, laundry once a week at a set time by our resident wizard, optional participation in morning and evening stretches and warm-up exercises.  Optional add-ons sold by the day include 3 additional copper pieces for a light lunch, 15 silver pieces for a cure light wounds given a day's notice, and with a 50 silver piece collateral value, access to our rather sparse library for a day for 1 copper piece.  I'll announce price changes at least 5 days in advance.  And I might have to if things get crowded."  She says this efficiently as if she has rehearsed it several times now.

"It's a moderately high price, but with meals included its not too bad, and rates in the city have been getting higher, possibly with the convention approaching and various attendants coming with the 600 delegates."

"Of course, positive energy channels are quite valuable.  If we could get one every evening at a convenient set time here, that would more than pay for the entire price.  But probably you could do more than a silver's worth of Good with one or earn more than a silver piece a day with a channel, so arguably you should pay the silver piece if you want to stay and use your channels as you will.  Both are small compared to your stipend"

The students have a spot for Nuria with one on either side of her, Estella across from her, and a student on either side of Estella.


"A silver a day is a great price, I think, with the delegates' stipends. I'll have to think more about the add-ons. And I'll almost certainly do public channels once I've talked to Theopho or whoever, but," shrug, "that's not going to happen tonight, I think." 


"Of course.  In that case, Welcome to the Abbey of Ashes.  And the add-ons can be purchased as need arises."  Thea takes a seat a bit further from Nuria, to give space to the students sitting closest.


The student seem to have many questions now that they have permission to speak freely and bother the interesting new person.

"Can you turn into a butterfly?"  One of the youngest girls sitting near Nuria asks.

"That druids not clerics" a 10 year old girl answers for her.  "What is the highest level, I mean circle spell you can cast, your favorite spell, favorite cantrip and coolest thing you've ever done with a spell."

This is apparently a good question, as the other girls go silent while they wait on an answer.


"I can cast second-circle spells, my favorite spell is Book Ward, my favorite cantrip is Create Water, and I think the coolest thing I've ever done with a spell is still saving someone's life right after I became a cleric." 


2nd circle... she substantially underestimated Nuria.  Either she reached 2nd circle in under a year after the Four Day War, or she was a covert cleric under the old regime and not nearly as naïve as she appears.  A front?  Or a change in personality and presentation after the Four Day War?

She'll let the kids continue with their questions now.


"That's so cool" the 10 year old says.

"How high level do you think you will get, what's the high level spell you want the most?  I think the Abbess just wants more healing to train us and herself better.  So I'll add, besides healing what's the high level spell you want the most.  I think stone shape is cool." A 12 year old asks as the next question.

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