When Shell Bell opens the door to Chronicle, she gets the attic Kiawen first led her to. In she steps, trailed by Juliet, Aurora, and Agent Honey.
[Glass, Steel, Iron! How long has it been here?]
[She's not,] agrees Juliet. [We're here by virtue of Shell Bell's aura. As long as we can't communicate freely and this is the only unJokered universe without at-will, independent access to Milliways, thought we'd drop in and see if you need a coin infusion from Aurora. Or anything else.]
[After this I'm going to see if my aura will get me a door to 'wherever that new Bell was supposed to be from', in which case it'd be nice to have Glass along to take a look at the place and see if she can see what might be the matter that way, but it might not work.]
[I strongly suspect it is a fluffbat,] says Steel. [Its name is Sunrise and it belongs to Tanalin.]
[Why don't you come out to the parlor, bat and all? There's not very much point to hurrying, I don't think.]
And the visitors, bat and all, teleport to the parlor.
"Hi! Yep, you're a Matilda all right," says Glass. "I also think the girls' friends from Toure-en-Marsh are some sort of template but I haven't seen them before."
"Oh hey yeah, I have a set of those," says Juliet. "I was going to bring them to a party but it just hasn't happened yet. Ike and Val. Mine're older."
"I think being a template is contagious, actually," says Glass. "Not invariably, but significantly."
"Yes. You didn't catch it - you were 'already' a template. I think Kanim caught it, though, for all that we haven't found more of him - unless we have?"
"Not so far as I know. We'd've recognized him. Although in other news I have retroactively acquired a slightly younger sister." And she repeats the story of Soph.
"You have such interesting lives," Agent Honey observes. "And fascinatingly varied magical systems."
"I know, right? You've got -" Aura, magicalmagicalforestymagical - "the Rainbow kind, and Wellspring, I guess you stopped there on your way here?"