"What is in it? Caves always have hazards and inconveniences," says Carinna warily.
"Harmless plants and creatures," Kanim says, "two springs, attractive crystal formations, a small maze, things like that - I will leave the specifics to be discovered, it's more fun that way, don't you think?"
"I think so," agrees Kiawen. "As long as you're sure Carinna won't be bothered!"
"Quite sure," says Kanim, "and if she is bothered we can always nip her out of there, it doesn't distort space or anything tricky like that."
"Okay," says Carinna decisively, "then I guess we can go to it."
Kiawen claps her hands. "How are we getting there? Walking or flying or teleporting or something else?"
"It would be too far to walk," agrees Kanim. "We can fly, though, if that would be more fun than teleporting; what do you think?"
Kanim snaps his fingers as a sort of signal that teleportation is about to happen, and - here they are, in a cave that looks more like an illustration than anything, covered in interesting lichens and populated by small creatures and bedecked across the ceiling with glowing crystals in all sorts of colors. A spring burbles from one wall, and another can be heard farther back around a corner.
A particularly small and round and fluffy creature rolls up to Kanim's feet: it is perfectly spherical, about the size of a large apple, and covered in soft-looking purple fur. It has no discernible features, but the fur moves in a way that suggests there might be a tiny mouth under it as the creature emits a tiny, tiny squeak.
Carinna gets on all fours to have a closer look at this creature. "Can I pick it up?" she asks.
Well, she'd hate to interrupt either activity. She goes and tastes the springs, first. "This one's blueberry and the other is sparkling cucumber," she announces, when this has been done, and she checks in on the black-and-whites to see if any of them could be less disruptively picked up at this time.
Kiawen picks it up, and pets it gently, and then sits it on her shoulder so she can go look at all the crystals.
"I think Cricket would probably terrorize them, and also, the fact that none of them have left the cave on their own suggests that they need to be here," says Kanim. "But you can come here and visit them whenever you like."
"I want to come back here a lot," she announces.
"Me, too," says Carinna. "This is the best cave." She rubs her puffball-critter on her cheek.
"What should we name it?" asks Kiawen, doubling back from an excursion into the crystal maze in the back. "The cave I mean."