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"Given that there's no need to hurry, how long would you all like to stay? The girls are fourteen and thirteen, now, and besides the fluffbat nesting on Shell Bell there's also two more ridiculously cute pets they acquired from a cave Kanim found; perhaps you'd like to meet Icarin and Valeria, I'm sure they'd think you were interesting. In any case I'll take the coin influx, if you don't mind, Aurora."

"Yeah, here you go," says Aurora, tossing an assortment in Glass's direction, "were you run down?"


"No, I'm very careful with anything big - I'm just lucky I live in such a nice world. I was able to layer a few hexes onto some of my local magic capacities, which helps enormously, of course."


"I'd be happy to meet Icarin and Valeria if they want," says Juliet.


"I want to learn all about the local magic," says Agent Honey. "And the nonlocal magic, for that matter."

"Oh, I should refer you to Kanim, probably, while I'm catching up with my alts. He's a magician just as much as I am," says Glass. [Kanim! Offworld visitation!]


[Icarin, Valeria! Do you remember how I told you about my alts?]

Kanim appears presently. "Why hello!"


"Hi!" says Agent Honey. "I want to learn about local magic."


[Ye-es...?] says Icarin.


[Some of them are here. Jane is still broken, but one of them has the ability to walk from world to world by ordinary doors whenever she likes and she's come with a couple of the others. And another one says she has an Ike and a Val in her world.]


"Well!" says Kanim. "There are many kinds. Witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, various racial magics, various species magics - those are not quite the same thing, mind - and of course locational magics of all sorts! Where would you like to start?"


"What is a locational magic?"


[Okay, so can we come visit or what?]


"My specialty! The kind that just happens, in places, without people involved in making it, and does stuff. You're marinating in it right now; this is the Enchanted Forest and it is the most magical place in the world. Come look at the Skyvault! It regulates forest magic." He beckons doorward.


[Sure, would you like me to come get you right now?]


"Just a moment," says Agent Honey, and she considers the levitating Bells for a second or two and then snaps her fingers. "Brainphone me if you want to touch the ground," she tells them, and follows Kanim out the door.


[Yes please!] says Icarin.


Glass pops to Toure-en-Marsh, and fetches the twins, and brings them in.


"Aww, middle-school-aged Ike and Val," says Juliet. "My set are nineteen."


"We are thirteen and a half!" says Icarin.


"So it would seem! My set are also only half-human and their hair is not quite so vividly red. What are you guys?"


"Fire-witches," says Valeria. "What's their other half?"


"A kind of demon called Sessiakitsi, on their mom's side. Also 'Ike' and 'Val' are short for 'Isaac' and 'Valerie'. I haven't met their mom, but here's a Sessiaki I have met -" She produces an illusion of the relative-of-some-kind she was introduced to on her tour of Siathe. And then her Ike and Val for good measure. "Hybrids can pass for human except when Val does iethat stuff."


"What's iethat?"

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