Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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I am sure you'll do great. 


Grin. Thank you. We'll see you tomorrow, then. Bow.

Fëanáro, do you want to go back and listen to some more debates, or do something else?


I want to stay forever. 


Yeah, I know. She leads them back in to find someplace to sit again and gives him a hug.


I'm not sad, I'm happy. This is a good place. I see why it made you sad but my tribe is right here. 


I know you're happy, I can see it. I'm happy that you're happy; that's why I hugged you, it's not just for when someone's sad.




I guess I'm not happy much so I didn't know. 


There is another, somewhat squeezier, hug. I know. I'm working on that.


You're really good at it. Everything is so good. 


Good. I want you to be happy, it's important.


I want you to be happy too and tribes not to be wiped out and all those bad things to stop forever.


Solemn nod, and another squeeze. I'm getting happier, Fëanáro. I think giving the talk will help with that, or anyway I hope so. But let's watch the debate for now, we can talk later.


Fëanáro.is very much comfortable with this plan. 


Of course he is. (Such a cute kid.)

Eventually it's dinnertime, and eventually it's the Mingling, and eventually the kobold starts yawning.


And again he'll fail to catch this cue, engrosssed in the arguments going on around him. 


She catches herself the first time she starts to doze off, and nudges Fëanáro. Time to go, after this one. I need to be awake tomorrow to work on the talk.


Oh, right. He reluctantly takes her hand when that one's done, but does not go to sleep. 


She should find someone to ask about that, soon. For now: zzzzz.

In the morning she packs up another day's worth of food and her drawing supplies and then takes them to check in with Finwë.


Today he wants to come along. 


Well, that's. Interesting. She's very polite about it, of course.

They go collect Fëanáro and she teleports them to the guild.


The King causes a stir, but only a brief one. The King wants Fëanáro to sit in his lap and Fëanáro reluctantly does. He wiggles a lot. The King is disconcerted. 


The kobold is not; she doesn't exactly make a show of being unbothered but does sort of project it a little.

She hands Fëanáro something to eat and offers Finwë a choice of a few things as well.


He commends her thoughtfulness but says he's less likely than Fëanáro to forget to eat. They watch a debate. It's very nice. 


Well, the kobold's kind of watching her companions more than she's watching the debate, but she's being careful about it, figuring people out is usually easier when they aren't trying to put on an act. It helps that she can let most of her glances look like keeping an eye on Fëanáro.


Fëanáro is uncomfortable in his father's lap, but Finwe doesn't seem to have noticed this or be attributing it to his presence. Fëanáro is wiggly separate from being uncomfortable. The novelty of the King wears off fast and the debate is typically engrossing and Fëanáro gets more comfortable as time goes on. 

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