Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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He'll be angry and sad and worry and try to make me not do that.


Nod. And it's not like you're going to do it soon - you need to learn to be careful enough, and have a good plan or probably more than one good plan in case something goes wrong with the first one, and you need to grow up enough and learn about my world - so they don't need to know now, and if you wait maybe you can find a way to tell them that won't make them angry and sad and worried and try to make you not do it, which would be better. So, what things do you need to do, or not do, to make that happen?


I just shouldn't tell him about it. 


Nod. And?


I won't, don't worry. I don't want to be stuck in the palace and not able to go see the linguistics guild.


Nod. And, we're going to see Alamande and the people at the linguistics guild today, and other people later, and any of them might tell your parent if they hear you talking about it, too.


I promise I won't tell anyone until I'm so big they can't stop me. 


Grin. Smart. But you probably don't have to do that; I bet there's some people we can trust with it. Just, be careful about who; it's probably best to let me make that decision for now, until you have a better idea of what to look for. Okay?




Thanks. Most people'd say to tell the King right away so he can scold me. 


Hug. Well, Quendi are weird about kids, I like the kobold way of doing things better. Ready to go?


Me too.


He holds out his hand.


And here they are outside the throne room. The kobold peeks in.


Finwe waves at them both. Did your errands go well, dear?


She waits for the hair on her back to go down, and then approaches. Mostly. I accidentally left Alamande at the linguists' guild - it was very nice but made me homesick, and I didn't want to cry in front of everyone - so I need to go back and get them, and Fëanáro would like to come.


Do you want to go, Fëanáro?

He does.

The King gives his blessing.



She leads the way to where she was sitting before, holding Fëanáro's hand. When he inevitably gets distracted, she reminds him that they need to find Alamande first and then they can sit and listen.


He is extremely distracted and not very responsive to reminders of anything. He's also deliriously happy. 


She really should have guessed that that would happen.

Well, maybe this will work: Alamande?


He finds her pretty quickly. Hello! I wasn't sure where you'd gone, are you all right?


I'm okay. She lets Fëanáro tow her toward his current point of interest. This place reminds me of home more than I expected it to, and I didn't want to start crying about it in front of strangers. Sorry if I startled you.


Not at all. I can only think highly of any place that this place reminded you of; it's the pride of the Noldor. Better now? Need anything?


Much better, yeah. I probably shouldn't let go of Fëanáro; if you'd like a teleport back to the palace you could get something for me to cast a spell on for you? Some kind of jewelry with a pendant or charm or similar thing would work well.


I am happy to accompany you and the Prince until he gets tired. 


Sure, that's fine.

What thing has Fëanáro dragged them to?


A debate! He's climbing the architecture for a better view, utterly fascinated. 

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