Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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People go out hunting for it, or Orome and his riders bring it. What is it you need?


Bones. Not many or often, one every few days is fine, but they need to be the right size and from mammals.


Huh, okay. I'll tell people who hunt to bring bones to the palace. What size?


She gestures descriptively. Longer ones are fine, I just probably won't eat the whole thing in that case, but they shouldn't be too thick.


Okay, I'll let people know. It's a good thing you didn't land with the Teleri, they don't hunt.


Nod. I can hunt well enough for that if I have to, but yeah, definitely.


I'm also not sure there is much to hunt around Alqualonde. I suppose you could always import it from us; do they have to be fresh?


There's ways to preserve them, but I don't know any that would work while they were being moved. One animal is enough for a long time, though, if it's big enough. She shrugs, then grins. Doesn't matter, I landed here and I'm glad I did.


We are also glad you did. Everyone should have bliss and peace.


She grins.

So, drawing supplies next, I think. Where would we go for that?


Tirion has shops! More than the ones she frequented with Feanaro, even. Paper and ink can be acquired; would she want anything else?


A few brushes in varying degrees of fineness, or she can figure something else out if they only have pens or something.

She lets Alamande handle most of the interaction, but watches carefully and thanks the shopkeeper when they're done.

And then she teleports her new acquisitions back to the palace.


That's really so useful, he says delightedly. The Valar are working on making it not dangerous?


Nod. Aulë practically insisted.


We don't want Valinor to be dangerous. It's good if everyone can just do what they like without having to think whether they could kill or harm someone if they did it wrong.


Nod. I'm not sure I agree with that? Making it actually impossible to harm anyone seems like it'd be very hard - they haven't actually managed it here, though it does seem like they've come pretty close - and thinking about how to avoid hurting people is a skill, and if there aren't opportunities to learn it in obvious ways, then you're in trouble when you come across a way that isn't as obvious. But my magic wouldn't be a good way to learn; the stakes are too high.


I am not sure what you mean that thinking how to avoid hurting people is a skill. Can it not be learned from thinking how to do right by people in general? Does it have to involve actual danger?


Thinking about how to do good for people is sort of the opposite thing - that's 'what do I need to make happen to make things go well', avoiding harm is 'what do I need to make not happen so things can't go badly'. And... I'm not sure we're thinking about harm the same way? To me, someone being upset is harm even if they'll be fine an hour later, even though that's not really dangerous in most cases and sometimes it's worth what might be gained from whatever upset them.


Oh. Well the Valar do not try to manipulate the laws of the universe so no one upsets anyone. Perhaps you could say it's danger, not harm, that they are avoiding.


Nod. That does match what I've seen. It seems like a strange thing to do, though - it does seem to lead to less harm overall, from what I've seen so far, but it seems like when someone is harmed, that's harder to notice or fix.


Do you think so? Who's been harmed? Wouldn't we notice more since it's so unusual?


You seem to mostly assume that it can't happen - learning to notice when it's happened is another part of learning how to avoid harming people, now that I think about it, though kobolds are people-oriented enough that we don't really learn that as a separate skill, we just learn how to read people in general. And the situation is kind of a tricky one; I'm trying to fix it without making anything worse, and I'm not sure having more people know about it will help with that.


Feanáro is unhappy because his mother died. If she hadn't died he'd be fine. That's just a problem of Valinor not being good enough at preventing harm.


That didn't help anything, certainly.


That is the whole of the problem. He'd be happy and the King'd be happy.

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