Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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Faint humor. We are trying.


Grin. I can tell.

Anyway, - serious - I came today because I found out you can observe us at a distance, and I wasn't sure exactly what you can learn that way, and I wanted to ask you not to go to my world, if what you can see is enough to figure out how to do that; the situation between the different kinds of people in the area I'm from is fragile, and it'd be easy to accidentally get a lot of people hurt if you did. And if you do decide to go to my world anyway, please at least talk to me about it and preferably bring me with you as a guide.


We will not go to your world, or interfere at all there. It is not our mandate.


Visible relief. Thank you, bow.


Of course. Do you desire to remain here?


It's easily the best of the options I'm aware of.


In that case how can we do more to make Valinor a paradise for you?


That, she freezes at. I wouldn't want to change anything without knowing why things are the way they are now and how Quendi work, she answers almost immediately.



All right.


...I'm sorry, it's... she pauses to think. Kobolds generally do very badly with change; I'm better than most but it's still very hard. Most of how I'm handling it is by reminding myself that there mostly isn't one; Valinor was already here, and I'm the change. And it's important to me to be a good one.


Which does remind me, I wanted to ask if you'd be able to change a few things about how my magic works...


We can certainly do that. What changes do you desire?


Right now, it's possible for me to accidentally share the ability to use it - it's not very hard to avoid, but I have to take steps to do it, and I'd rather not need to worry about that. Also, spells cast on people can't be broken, which is potentially dangerous - I think ideally I shouldn't be able to cast on people without their permission at all, if that's possible. And the process of learning how to use my magic is dangerous, but that's the excuse I've been using not to teach Fëanáro and it would cause problems if I had to say that their parent forbid me to, so that should actually stay for now, I think - I don't expect to be sharing it with anyone anytime soon anyway - but I'd like to know if it can be fixed.


You are very wise. We can fix all of those things. I do not want the teaching of magic to be dangerous; can it be prohibited in my name, if you hesitate to forbid it in yours?


She considers. With it being dangerous, me refusing to teach it is upsetting but not very much so; they can see that it's reasonable. Without that, their relationship with whoever forbids it will be damaged, and theirs with me as well if I take that person's side, which could be very bad. You could remove my ability to share it entirely, and that would fix the problem of me taking someone else's side, but they'd still be upset at you about it and I'm not sure how important that might be.

On the other hand if it's made safe it might actually be okay for them to learn it - would it be possible to make it so that they can only teleport to places within Valinor, even if they somehow manage to get out and learn a location elsewhere, until they're older? - but their parent would be very upset and I don't see a way to fix that.


We can certainly ensure that it is not possible to teleport out of Valinor and into danger. I can counsel the King if you think he'd fear needlessly.


Convincing them to relax about it would be ideal, even without the magic to think about, but I'm not sure it's possible. When we first met, they mistook me for a Maia, and they were fairly adamant that you didn't have any say in how Fëanáro is raised. She sighs. I wish I knew more about the culture here; that sounded reasonable at the time, sort of, but if it's not generally considered to be, that changes things. She seems very tired all of a sudden.


I have no authority; advice I can give, and it might be heeded out of respect for me or for the general quality of my judgment.


She perks up a bit and grins. That sounds worth trying, then, thank you. It might work best to give them another few days to get used to me, but if you wanted to do it today I don't think it'd be a disaster.

For leaving Valinor... sorry, I was going to think this through properly before I came but that other thing seemed potentially urgent, I can come back some other time if you're busy... but I'm hesitant to agree to a complete block, especially if it'd stop me from going back to my own world if I need to, is that what you meant?


I think we could build a block with that exception, so you can return home, if you are not likely to invite danger back with you.


Nod. I can teleport only myself even if someone is holding me, yes, and I have no intention to bring anyone else here and will check with you first if I find myself wanting to.

I do also need to keep the ability to go to other worlds, at least until I'm very sure I'll be able to stay in this one, but I can do that from my original one if you'd rather not allow it here - I'm assuming these changes won't change how magic works for other people on my original world?


That is beyond our power, yes.


Nod. Okay. Blocking it entirely isn't very... aesthetic, I suppose - my culture considers freedom to go where one pleases very important - but I assume you have good reasons for it, and it's not like anyone is losing an ability except me. She shrugs.



And if it means it can be taught to them at all, rather than withholding it out of fear of misuse, then they have more freedom. Keeping Valinor safe is very important to us, and we don't want to let people out but not back, that would create much grief.


Why would someone not be able to come back?


If someone left and consorted with the evils of the Outer Lands, we would be concerned with how to reintegrate them here.

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