Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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It is a really pretty fountain, and she tells him so.

Do you want to come with me to run those errands?


No, I'll just work on plans until you get back. I don't like talking to people much and they always want things.


All right. Do you want any more spells before I go? Should I try to bring anything back for you?


I can't think of anything. He's a bit obsessive when focused on a project, and he is focused now.


All right, see you later. (His focus is really cute.)


She heads to the throne room next - walking; teleportation is convenient but people getting used to her presence is more important. Is Finwë in?


He is. He smiles at the sight of her. 


She grins back and bows, not quite so deeply this time.

Fëanáro is in the garden working on a design for a fountain, you might want to go see the one they came up with yesterday if you have time. And I'm going out to take care of a few things; is there anything it might be useful for me to do while I'm out?


Out about Tirion, you mean? Things can be brought here if you find the city overwhelming, or I can appoint someone to guide you.


It is overwhelming, but we figured out how to work around that the other day, and I won't get used to it if I'm avoiding it. A guide would be useful, though, thank you.


He nods to someone nearby. Alamande will accompany you wherever you need him. 


She nods and bows, and then and steps off to the side to talk to Alamande. Nice to meet you. Have you heard about my magic?


I have. You can teleport and make teleporting thngs and are using it for a beautiful fountain. It is very beautiful. Congratulations.


The fountain is mostly Fëanáro's, but yes, thank you, she grins. When I'm teleporting with someone, I prefer to do it by casting the spell on myself and letting them activate it by taking my hand, is that okay with you?


Sure. How else can it be done?


I could put spells on objects for you, either on something you could carry or on the ground for you to step on or a wall for you to touch or something, and I could but won't cast spells directly on you. Ground or wall spells probably aren't the best idea either; I can make them so they only work once, but the spell will still be there until it's broken and I'm not sure if that'd bother anyone.


Do spells look like anything? Do they do anything when inactive?


Inactive spells don't do anything. There's a way to see them with my world's magic, and I don't think it's possible to tell an active spell from an inactive one that way, but I don't know what this world's magic can or can't do.


It doesn't seem we can see your magic. Probably the Valar could.


Nod. I might ask them about that; there's a few things about how my magic works that I'm curious if they can change, so I'll probably be talking to them about it anyway.


What would you want to change?


It's possible to accidentally share the ability to use my magic - I'd have to be negligent to actually do that, but it's something I'd rather not have to worry about avoiding, is the main thing. And spells cast on people can't be broken, and part of learning how to use my magic is dangerous, but so long as I'm the only one who can use it neither of those are actually problems.


I am sure the Valar'd want to help you with any dangerous thing.


Grin. That's good. I still want to hear more about them before I go ask, though; finding someone to talk to about them is one of the things I'd like to do today.


Certainly. What would you want to hear?


I'd like to have a pretty good idea of how they might react to being asked things - how good they are at warning about extra effects of things they do, whether they're likely to do things without asking if their solution is the one I want, that kind of thing. And what kind of behavior they're likely to expect from me, and just generally what they're like and what I should expect. Stories about how they've worked with other people would probably be most useful.

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