Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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That would be okay. As long as they didn't stop the debates to bow at father, I guess. 


Giggle. I don't think they'd stop for long, anyway.




Okay, true. 


Anyway, if we have food and everything with us and we're obviously planning to go right away they might not want to stop what they're doing to go with us, that will help. So let's go do that. Hand?


Hand. He's beaming at her. That's clever.


She grins. They'll notice, if we always get our way and they never get their way, I can't do the clever thing every time. But for now it's okay, we'd be doing this anyway.

And then they're in the kitchen. She gathers enough reasonably-portable food to last them the day and looks for a bag to put it in.


Everyone in the kitchen is charmed and happy to find her a bag. 


She thanks them, packs everything up, and teleports herself and Fëanáro to see Finwë.

Deep breath, peek?


Finwe is busy talking to some people today. 


Good! Hopefully. She approaches to a distance that makes it reasonably clear she'd like his attention and waits for him to acknowledge her.


It takes him a while; it's a long conversation. Eventually he nods at her. Yes, dear?


Okay if he's going to make a habit of calling her that the question becomes what he means by it, which is a nice little step up from augh. Probably. Augh.

Fëanáro and I very much enjoyed the linguistics guild yesterday and are planning to spend the day there today. Probably for the next few days, in fact.


Lovely, he says. What are they working on there?


I don't know enough Quenya yet to follow most of the details - I wonder if we could find someone there to help teach me, maybe we'll ask - but, she briefly explains what she caught from the pronunciation debate, most of which was pretty clearly gathered from watching peoples' body language rather than from the debate itself.



Oh, interesting, he says, though he doesn't seem interested in any particular detail. That does seem the kind of thing Fëanáro'd be very interested in. Have a nice day. 


Grin, bow, go.

Yes Fëanáro it's all right we can go now and we probably won't have to wait like that again tomorrow, I fixed it. Pop!


That took forever, he complains, but it takes him about ten seconds to get thoroughly distracted. 


As expected.

She would really rather not spend the day clinging to the architecture again; she attempts to steer them toward the seats. Let's go see if there's something open near the front, okay?


But then I have to sit still and people might look at me!


If you need to take a break to walk around or get away from people we can do that, just let me know you want to. Handsqueeze.



..okay. And he sits down. And wriggles. A lot. And listens. 


She hands him something to eat, and gets something to eat herself, and holds his hand, and listens as well.


He cannot seem to sit still for his life but he's enchanted by the debate and will happily wriggle there all day. 


This is fine! She doesn't mind the wriggles at all and mostly just seems inclined to smile fondly at him about them every so often.

After lunch, in between debate topics, she asks, do you want to ask about those words for me today?


Oh right. Remind me what all they were?

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