Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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Ones like 'they' but in Quenya so they don't sound confusing. And I think they might want to hear about my world and make words for some things about it, but I don't know and it doesn't have to happen soon or at all if you don't want to be around for it, it might mean a lot of people paying attention to us.


I like people paying attention when I talk. Just not when I'm just sitting there and not trying to do anything interesting. 


Well, mostly I'd be talking, but I bet you could help, you're good at asking questions and that's a nice way to do something like that.


Okay. Let's do it right now!


Sounds good. Hug.

So she collects their things and pops them back out to the main part of the building and looks around to see if there's anyone obvious to ask about it.


There are lots of people looking at them, some of them more blatantly than others, but none seem in charge exactly. 


She'll go with the one who seems most curious among those who're meeting a minimum standard of politeness, then; if nobody's in charge someone like that might be a good choice to take charge. Approach, grin, eye contact, hello.


Hello. Enjoying the debates?


Very much, though I don't have enough Quenya to appreciate them properly; I've only been here a few days.


You are very welcome here. What can I help you with?


Well, there are a few words in the language I know that don't translate very well to Quenya and Fëanáro suggested we come see if anyone would be able to help with that, she grins at him, but I think it might make more sense to start by telling you more about myself in general, if people would be interested in that - I'm not a Maia, I'm something else entirely.


I think people'd be very interested, yes. You do not look like anything in Valinor. 


She grins, somewhat impishly. I'm a kobold; I'm from a different world entirely and came here more or less by accident, using teleportation magic, which the Valar are fixing to be safe enough that I can share it. We're very different from Quendi.


That I had indeed noticed! I'm glad the Valar are working on it. Welcome. How are you finding Valinor?


It's very different from what I'm used to, but most of the differences are good ones; I'm still getting settled in and figuring out how everything works, but I expect I'll be staying for quite a while. Handsqueeze for Fëanáro, how's he holding up?


He's okay. He seems happy enough to be watching. 



Anyway - I really don't know anything about how things are done here, so I could use some help figuring out how to give a talk like that in a way that'd seem familiar enough to people here, if you have the time or know someone who might?


I would be happy to sit down with you and help you design a talk!


She smiles and bows. Thank you. Whenever is convenient for you will probably be fine.


Lovely! How about tomorrow? I don't have anything planned tomorrow. 


We'd planned to be here, but not anything more specific than that yet. Fëanáro, does that sound okay to you?


Yeah, he says nervously. 


Something wrong?


No. Just - you're giving a talk! That's so serious!


She chuckles and hugs him. A little bit, I guess. I think it'll be fine, though. I haven't talked in front of this many people before but this isn't too different from kobold Speakers meeting together.

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