A powerful stranger visits Southern Fishing Village
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She pushes herself to her feet. "The wording — it won't work if it would cause any harm?"


Egresta shrugs. "So far as we know, mother."


"We'll do it," she agrees.

They walk back over to the other group. Penþa and Anþasta have gotten dragged into an argument about whether they should have aimed for 'acceptable' harm, instead of 'any' harm.


"Do you think it will work?" Satenag asks her.


Oskeli grins. "Of course it will work," he agrees. "Honestly, it sounds a bit like the other place, doesn't it? And sort of explains why making the jump is so difficult."


"And you're willing?" she double-checks.


Bardamma glances back at the other group.

"We are," she agrees. "Someone needs to do it, and if you're right, there's a limited number of candidates. And I'm sure we'll be fine — because if we weren't going to be, it wouldn't work."


"If it's anything like becoming a prophet, we'll do it no problem," Oskeli agrees.


Satenag takes a deep breath. "Alright then. Try number two."

She points at them, and says "And now, I make some designated willing targets into Genies, or give them a copy of my same ability".


There is a muffled 'pop', and a brass oil lamp falls to the ground where they were standing.


Egresta steps forward and picks it up, running her fingers along the surface in wonder. She remembers what Eeferi said, about sight and sound being harder, so holds it near her face, perched on her shoulder, so that her mothers will be able to feel around and tell who is holding them.


"If wishes don't come with extras, and wishing for the 'true form' of a genie creates a lamp — Eeferi, is your lamp actually part of your body?" Anþasta asks, once she sees that Egresta has her grandmothers in hand.


".. I don't know if it is part of my body or not.  That seems to be a reasonable conclusion, however, my lamp also functions similarly to a ball-and-chain.  Without it, I would neither be able to nor be forced to grant Wishes."


She purses her lips. "I see. Do you—"


She's cut off by her grandmothers making a sound something like a cross between a sneeze and chimney fire, little harmless sparks of light shooting from their spout.


Egresta startles, but then runs her hand through the sparks, in case that makes her easier to feel.


"Well, that's a good first step, but I think it's clear that Lhatis and the others need a period of adjustment," Penþa remarks.

They glance at the sky visible through the exits of Eeferi's illusion.

"... and it's getting fairly late. Let's check in to see what the other group has thought of, and make notes of what to do differently next time," Penþa suggests.


"I'll take mothers back to the house and sit up with them," Egresta announces. "Probably easier to interpret than people talking over each other."


They make a sort of bass rattle, but whether it is in response to Egresta's comment is entirely unclear.


"I recommend being careful with your wording, then.  It appears they already have a Master."


Egresta nods seriously.

"I will be careful," she promises.

She says a round of goodnights, and then takes her mothers out through the northern gate and to their house.

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