A powerful stranger visits Southern Fishing Village
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"... and not the most efficient way to run a meeting," Penþa notes, seeing some people start to talk in low voices. "If just getting a wording down is going to be so difficult even once we agree on an effect, it might be worthwhile to split things up. Everyone who wants to contribute to wording, come over here, please. Everyone who wants to spend this time thinking about ideas for subsequent wishes, go over there. Okanel, would you keep things organized over there? Thank you."


There's a general shuffling as things reorganize.


"So if we can't wish for a book separately, because it's too contingent, we should focus on the idea that it should be teachable. I don't have the whole thing memorized, but maybe something like '... OR a subsidiary copy of this ability and power which can be revoked by and only by a wish-power-diaspora-ancestral holder of a copy of this grant and which can be safely used after being trained in the knowledge required to use a copy of this grant by another grant holder for a reasonable amount of time.'?" Egresta suggests, once everyone has chosen a group to work with.


"Would that fail because the wish can't guarantee that people are good teachers?" Anþasta asks. "Maybe we should see if you can wish for a power that just doesn't require knowledge to use."


"If it has no knowledge requirement, does it not then have the ability to be accidentally used without any knowledge of its existence?"


Anþasta bites her knuckle. "... maybe? How could you exert an act of will without knowing that you were doing it?"


"It's probably a bad idea to wish for an intuitive understanding of how to word wishes for maximum effect," Satenag muses. "But I kinda feel like someone with a hammer and no tongs."


Egresta wordlessly pats her on the arm.

"Well, we could say that the only knowledge needed to use it is the knowledge of one particular magic phrase, like 'And now, I make some designated willing targets into Genies, or give them a copy of my same ability'," Egresta points out.


"What, so 'I wish, without any negative effects on my mind, body, or sense of self, as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, to attain the talent, skill, knowledge, ability, and power to, as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, and without any negative effects on their mind, body, or sense of self, through an act of my awake and sound-minded will, by saying the phrase "And now, I make some designated willing targets into Genies, or give them a copy of my same ability" grant either of the following to any willing individuals or masses I choose, such that the entirety of this wish is implemented only in accordance with my untampered will: attainment of the full power and true form of a Genie OR a subsidiary copy of this ability and power, which requires no knowledge beyond that of the magic phrase and which can be revoked by and only by a wish-power-diaspora-ancestral holder of a copy of this grant.'?"


"I perceive no structural issues with that phrasing."


Satenag smiles at Eeferi. "I'm really glad we have you on hand as a cooperative expert. I can imagine getting really frustrated if we had to learn these things by trial and error."

She checks to make sure nobody else has new issues with the wish. And then she repeats herself.

"Eeferi, I wish, without any negative effects on my mind, body, or sense of self, as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, to attain the talent, skill, knowledge, ability, and power to, as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, and without any negative effects on their mind, body, or sense of self, through an act of my awake and sound-minded will, by saying the phrase 'And now, I make some designated willing targets into Genies, or give them a copy of my same ability' grant either of the following to any willing individuals or masses I choose, such that the entirety of this wish is implemented only in accordance with my untampered will: attainment of the full power and true form of a Genie OR a subsidiary copy of this ability and power, which requires no knowledge beyond that of the magic phrase and which can be revoked by and only by a wish-power-diaspora-ancestral holder of a copy of this grant."


Where once there was a cloud of smoke and an illusory building contained within, there now is not.


Smoke immediately floods out of the lamp again, to reform the environment as it was.


"... huh."

Satenag blinks. "I'm guessing that means it worked? I don't feel any different."


"Well, why don't you try it?" Penþa suggests. "Naterta, are you ready?"


She nods. "I am. It is my pleasure to be able to help."


Satenag gives her a shallow bow, dramatically points a finger at her, and says "And now, I make some designated willing targets into Genies, or give them a copy of my same ability".


"... I don't feel any different either," Naterta says, after a moment. "Not to doubt you, Eeferi, but did that wish actually work?"


"Yes.  Definitely.  It should have.."


Eeferi begins to solidify sharply.










"... should have? ... Is everything alright, Eeferi?" Anþasta questions.


"I know I performed a Wish.  I lost track of everything I was doing.  I don't understand why Naterta isn't a Genie now, that was what you chose, right Satenag, Master?"

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