The further adventures of various piles of sand
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Satenag puffs out her cheeks.

"Now? Now we ... take the time to figure out what it is we really want, I think. We should take time to get it right."

She stares out over the lake for a moment, watching the clouds drift toward the mountains.

"And I'm sure I speak for all of the people who live here when I say we would be delighted to have you as our guest for as long as you would like to stay, so you have some time to figure that out too."

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They lift their head up again.

"Things you might really want .. will you be wanting a conjuration of another similar meeting hall, or perhaps some other design?"

"I thank you for the invitation, though I do not wish to eventually impose. Ah, I should return to the ice house." A cloud of smoke billows ice-house-wards with some haste.


She considers the question.

"The meeting hall was nice," she agrees, "although I'm not sure its going to be the first thing people think of. I more meant ... so lots of people are resurrectable now, and that's great, but it was a really big change. Too big, I think. But there are still lots of things that would be nice that are ... smaller."

"Things like the, uh, portal-turtle village restructuring. Or — it's not the harvest yet, but I think everyone would love it if we didn't have to worry about food this winter. Or firewood, for that matter."


"Wishes that do as much as they can are often heavy in consequence, but would you have been satisfied, doing any less?"


From the smoke appears a new pair of models - representing yet another possible design for a portal-turtle village.

"Food and firewood .. I could harvest trees, but the resulting material could rot, and then that would have been wasteful.."


"I wouldn't have been satisfied," she quietly agrees. She studies the dust of the square for a moment.

"Ah — we do already have areas set aside for sustainably harvesting trees," she points out. "Everywhere that's not good, flat farmland for more picky crops, really. Mainly the hill. The issue isn't so much getting the wood as cutting it, transporting it, drying it, and caring for the trees afterward. It's a constant chore, because we go through a lot of firewood every winter."

And then she realizes what Eeferi is implying.

"Oh! But you don't need to help with that unless you want to. You've already done so much for us. Nobody would mind if you wanted to just laze around and talk to people for a while. If you do want to help with the firewood, though, we could take a walk up the hill and I could show you where we're coppicing from this year?"


"It sounds as though drying the wood is the step most useful for preservation- and I do not know how to personally make wood dry much faster. If your facilities to do so are already full, then perhaps I should hold off on increasing your harvest.

"Ah, that is a good idea, to speak more thoroughly with the populace. Though I am not lazing, exactly- a large portion of my focus is on the continued development of the new Genie."

From the smoke, the figure is duplicated several times- each instance traveling towards other villagers.


"I do wonder .. what do you want to do with your time? When we met, you were, as I understand it, fishing. I do not know what your regular schedule of duties or activities looks like, nor what you prefer to do when nothing else is scheduled."

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