A powerful stranger visits Southern Fishing Village
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"Do remember to add the 'in accordance with my untampered will' clause in," Penþa reminds her. "What happens if 'everyone who could be made resurrectable' is a category that doesn't include anyone? With the previous wish, we didn't really get feedback about what had happened, other than that it had 'worked'."


"It seems unlikely to me that the category 'everyone who could be made resurrectable' is empty. That would imply everyone that has been preemptively resurrected in the past forms the entirety of everyone that could ever be resurrected wouldn't it? That would be an extreme coincidence."


Penþa nods. "It would definitely be a big coincidence. I'm just ... thinking ahead to after the wish, what we want to be able to tell people. There's a big difference between knowing something for certain, and knowing it for nearly certain. But ... have any of your previous wishers wished for anyone to be resurrectable except themselves? Maybe it's another one of the category of wishes that special-cases wishers."


"I recall one who made every member of the town they ruled return to life with each cycle of their moon.  Another acquired a ring that resurrected whomever was wearing it if they wore it at the moment of death.  ..  I think there was a third who Wished for unlimited access to their world's resurrection magic, though their words were sufficiently slurred by intoxication that I am not sure.  There may have been others, but those stand out at the moment."


"Ah, alright," Penþa concedes.

All the villagers are silently appalled at the idea of wishing for anything while drunk. Although wishing for access to resurrection magic when you've been poisoned is not the worst possible use.


Đani has recovered her breath, and is thinking hard.

"You should maybe also have the wish cover anyone in the past who is potentially resurrectable contrary to Eeferi's expectations," Đani points out. "Just in case."

She refrains from urging Satenag to just get it over with already. They know it's urgent, she's made her case, and if she pushes too hard they might drag it out just to be sure.


Penþa frowns. "Also, the wording you gave only applies to people who can be made ressurectable by wishes — maybe there are people who can't be made ressurrectable by wishes, but who can be made resurrectable by some other means," they point out.


"Okay. So how about 'I ... the word ... as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, for it to be the case that everyone who could theoretically be made resurrectable with a wish or by other means or who becomes a member of this category at any future point in time, including anyone already dead who could be made resurrectable, including those yet unborn, including people in other worlds, be made as easily and costlessly resurrectable as possible, with the viable method or methods of their resurrection and a short summary of what groups were or were not affected made known to me without harm to my mind, body, or sense of self, such that the entirety of this wish is implemented only in accordance with my untampered will.'," Satenag declaims.


"If that's what you want, I do not inherently oppose it.  Though some may be dead with the intention of staying dead- are you sure this is what you want for them?"


Satenag puts her arm on top of her head and presses down with it.

"It is too early in the morning for this," she protests. "I wasn't thinking about it — because just because they are resurrectable doesn't mean they need to be resurrected. But you're right, it would be a terrible harm."


"Yesterday, some people were tossing around ideas for how to apply wishes only to people who would want them," Đani remarks. "Maybe something like '... and who would want, if they fully understood the changes that would happen to them as a result of this wish, for the wish to apply to them'?"


"We were worried about wishes that could only be granted through creating a being who might not want to be created; that feels like the kind of judgement that requires a thinking being," Penþa cautions. "... but I do agree that just because someone becomes resurrectable is not necessarily a problem in and of itself. When we're working out the subsequent resurrection wish, we can also work out an un-resurrection wish that lets people instantly and painlessly go back to being dead, or become un-resurrectable, or something like that."


"If you're ready Master, I'm ready.  If not, I recommend taking your time to breathe and calm down.  Perhaps you should take a walk?"


Satenag takes a deep, shuddering breath.

"... fuck it, I'm jumping in the lake," she declares, and takes off at a jog towards the shoreline.


Đani presses her lips together, and tries to guess how many people there are in the world, and doesn't say anything.


Penþa puts one arm around her.

"You are doing the right thing," they reassure her. "Nobody else thought of it, and we should have, and you caught it, and now we're dealing with it. Everyone here is doing their best. Now, let's get some other people up, have them check Satenag's proposed wording, see if there's a consensus on the resurrectability part, and then fish Satenag out of the lake."


Eeferi seems to watch Satenag for a time.


"... I should mention, I believe some members of this village wish to explore in the future, but do not want to separate from the rest of the village. Options for making parts of the village itself fly but still accessible from the ground - as well as the reverse - are exemplified in these displays."  Eeferi seems to sweep a limb to indicate the dioramas.


Penþa perks up.

"Oh, I see! I had been wondering — they're pretty."


Satenag darts about underwater, demonstrating her excellent lung capacity.


Đani goes door to door, rousing people.

Nobody sleeps in, much, in Southern Fishing Village. Not when the rising sun shines in through the cracks in the walls, and there is always more to do. So many people are already quietly rolling out of bed and taking a moment to themselves before facing the day, when she knocks softly on their door.


Soon enough, a group of everyone who went to bed at a reasonable hour has congregated in the square, and Penþa is explaining the morning's dilemma.


"Do you think it would be possible to take people's preferences into account without inadvertently creating a person to do the judging?" Lhemur asks Eeferi. "And could we just ... try a wish with a clause that excludes that possibility, and see if it fails?"


"I suspect not on the first - but the second seems completely reasonable.  I think the structure of Wishes would need to be inherently ignorant of itself to be unable to avoid creating people if the wording of the Wish excludes doing so."

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