A powerful stranger visits Southern Fishing Village
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She frowns and taps her chin.

"'... without harm to anyone's mind, body, or sense of self, except for anything which is currently part of Eeferi's body which Eeferi wishes to destroy ...'?" she suggests. "To be clear, I will use your original wording if necessary; sticking to deals is important, and you've done so much for us. I just ... I have a new respect for what wishes can do."


".. You never agreed to grant me full control over the details of this Wish in the first place. You may use that updated wording if you Wish, Master. It seems unlikely to fail."


Satenag winces.

She's so ready to be done.

She runs through the wording in her head one more time, anyway, and then says "I wish that Eeferi be freed from their lamp and the accompanying bonds of Wish-granting, as quickly, harmlessly, durably, and costlessly as possible, without harm to anyone's mind, body, or sense of self, except for anything which is currently part of Eeferi's body which Eeferi wishes to destroy, such that the entirety of this Wish is implemented only in accordance with Eeferi's untampered will, and such that the entirety of this Wish is implemented without creating a person or persons."


A certain brass object which is made of mundane nonmagical matter is moved away from Southern Fishing Village with high acceleration.


A series of increasingly violent events occur in the vicinity of that object, mostly to that object, once it is sufficiently far from nearby humans.


The combined light, sound, and general shockwaves from these events are probably distinctly noticeable to any humans with working senses within several kilometers of radius.  As well as the resulting incidental ecological destruction to some trees.


Vocal cursing in a series of increasingly foreign languages accompanies this at various volumes, usually too quietly to be distinct against the other more distracting components.


It survives, at first.


It does not last all that long, all things considered.


Eeferi stills, for a while.


Incoherent screaming.


Wordless screaming.




Some sand blows into Southern Fishing Village.  Smoke finds its way into the local ice house.


Some smoke drifts in the direction of the outdoor crowd too.  Why not?


The villagers are more than a little startled, but nobody is hurt, so it's not a cause for alarm. Perhaps that's just what freeing a genie looks like.


"Are you alright?" Satenag asks after a moment.


Minutes earlier, but not many.


"Thank you for your help." Eeferi says to Okanel and Lhemur.


"It's no problem," Okanel agrees. They look down at where the barrel has been set, at the bottom of the ice pit. "Is there anything else we should fetch, do you think?"


Egresta carefully sets her mothers at the bottom of the barrel, along with their lamp, and then partially but not completely covers the lid, to minimize airflow.


"Perhaps some simple objects could be placed around this room, for them to observe once they are able to? For now, I should observe them more closely."

Purple smoke drifts into the barrel, carefully and thinly.

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