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Template: Adrien


Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adrien Dulac trytryagain Gordon Ramsay
Adrienne Dulac makes-perfect Kyra Sedgwick
Aran salad-days Peter Shinkoda Goldmage
Template: Carolingians
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Template: Dross
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dross Robert Carlyle
Σκωρία Robert Carlyle
Template: Elements

Sapphire, Silver, & Steel

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sapphire Sapphire hasbeendispatched Joanna Lumley, Tatum McCann, Claire Julien Table
Silver lightfooted David Collings, Rupert Grint, Joey Luthman, Holliday Grainger Table
Steel cannot-be-explained David McCallum, Tate Berney, Mark Hamill Table
Template: Emu

The brains of the Apocalypse Quartet. Loud, brilliant, loves explosions, dislikes the patriarchy, really fucking gay.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Atui Deng Daevinity
Em Hopkins meditatesinjury Raven Symone Mori's Buffyverse
INSTRUCTS-THE-IGNORANT Malta beginningofwisdom Misc Arda
Manna Pierce ownsake Raven Symone Free France
Mannaz Pierce jealousgod Raven Symone Almighty
Mem Pierce coffeespoons Raven Symone Earth
Mern Dienstag thriceadmirable Raven Symone Star Wars
Milli Pierce tuesdaychild Raven Symone Twilight
Mim Hopkins hodegetria Raven Symone MO
Mu Pierce ruleandguide Raven Symone Lapis
Template: Faith

The moving force of the Apocalypse Quartet. Tiny, temperamental, impulsive, literally the antichrist. Does not appreciate being bossed around. Means well, usually. Motto: "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amity White Amity signsandwonders Georgie Henley Almighty
Constance Whitford Connie mondaychild Georgie Henley Twilight
EXALTS-HERSELF-ABOVE-ALL Exalt firemingled Georgie Henley Arda
Faith Whitinger Nero actualantichrist Georgie Henley High Water
Faith Whitman Glinda spellsofwomen Georgie Henley Mori's Buffyverse
Grace Whitby Grace chanceofapocalypse Georgie Henley Lapis
Harmony Whitman crazydiamond Georgie Henley MO
Nacha Yarrow Nacha flybyknight Georgie Henley Star Wars
Prudence Whitney Pru becomedeath Georgie Henley Free France
Serenity Whitburn eat-a-peach Georgie Henley Earth
Template: Jay

The common sense of the Apocalypse Quartet. Calm, grounded, insightful, occasionally mystical. Unfortunately, usually dead.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jay Walker notthelight Lenny Kravitz MO
Jay Walker Victory sownwind Lenny Kravitz Free France
Jay Walker Odin spiritandpower Lenny Kravitz Almighty
Jay Walker FJORD wildhoney Lenny Kravitz Lapis
MAKES-SMOOTH-THE-WAY Jaybird blocking-my-light Lenny Kravitz Arda
Template: Jean

Perfect actor by day, walking disaster zone by night, rebel without a (sensible) cause on weekends. Aesthete par excellence. Excessively French. Rolled a critical failure on both morals and common sense at character creation. At least he tries? Just don't let him make any plans.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ali Kaveh Ali shadow-dance Michael Fassbender Dance
Ekai Tano Tano free-fells Michael Fassbender Threefold
Faver Maliaro Drama lightfantastic Michael Fassbender Proximal
Ifan Delamere Ifan vast-and-endless Keith Powers Brainship
Iliar Iliar red-sky-at-night Chen Kun Goldmage
Ima Loresi Ima Amanda Seyfried, Viviane Porto, Natalie Martinez, Chen Kun Elan
Ivanka Popovich red-string Amanda Seyfried Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jack art-of-losing Michael Fassbender Princess Tutu
Jan Jan dust-handful Michael Fassbender Star Wars
Jani Jani fortune-and-fame Amanda Seyfried Greatsoul
Jean Dulac ab-haedis Keith Powers The Good Place
Jean Dulac adventures-first Chen Kun Modern Earth, Kingdoms of Night and Day, Eos
Jean Dulac Milliard clevertricks Michael Fassbender Federation
Jean Dulac Liberation croixdelorraine Michael Fassbender WWII
Jean Dulac eagles-gathered Michael Fassbender
Jean Dulac into-a-dew Michael Fassbender cyberpunk dystopia
Jean Dulac liberté-égalité-fraternité Michael Fassbender Daevinity, Modern Earth, Soulmarks, Cordyceps, Mori's Buffyverse
Jean Dulac Ombre mains-enchaînées Michael Fassbender Eclipse
Jean Dulac number-ten Léo Legrand Scholomance
Jean Dulac Abelard practice-to-deceive Léo Legrand Daemons
Jean Dulac pure-illusion Léo Legrand Battle School
Jean Dulac revery-alone Michael Fassbender Optophobia
Jean Dulac truth-from-art Michael Fassbender Erogame
Jean Holmes voilà-tout Michael Fassbender
Jean Mannering-Phipps ginger-headed-sailor Michael Fassbender
Jean(ne) Dulac palely-loitering Erika Linder
Jeanne Dulac meshaneh-habriyot Amanda Seyfried Oathknights, Dreamshard, Cascadia, Beauty and the Beast
Jeanne Dulac Dauphine with-the-power Amanda Seyfried Mori's Buffyverse
Jean Salomon ex-nihilo Misc Eclipse Phase
Jean Toutlemonde doubt-thou Keith Powers Wormverse
Jehandelysha Jehan sing-the-sun Michael Fassbender Elcenia
Jiath Imesa Jiath pretty-thing Michael Fassbender Swansong
Lucifer devil-his-due Michael Fassbender Dante’s Casino
Lucifer Lucifer devilyouknow Keith Powers Daevinity
Miaka to-a-quiet-place Amanda Seyfried Skygarden
ONE-WHO-SINGS Aténdu time-goes-by Michael Fassbender Arda
Q Michael Fassbender Star Trek
Shian Epechi Shian stagedelight Amanda Seyfried Amenta
Yvan cautionary-tale Michael Fassbender Magical Realm
Δεῖνα such-a-man Michael Fassbender
Template: Kamil
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Camiel you-would-fall Charlie Cox
Camilla bed-of-fig-leaves Ruby Rose
Camilla noble-in-reason Ruby Rose
Camillo Anton Yelchin
Camillo Fitzroy coastal-shelf Anton Yelchin Scholomance
Emmelia face-god Ruby Rose
Hon. Camillo Fitzroy, Viscount Ashford Anton Yelchin Downton Abbey
Kamila fearful-odds Ruby Rose
Template: Knife
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Haozinne like-a-tree Miika Whiskeyjack Scholomance
Knife little-mantis Miika Whiskeyjack
Template: Mal
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Grimaldo Mendoza too-damn-pretty Xolo Maridueña Scholomance
Malcolm Reynolds big-damn-hero Nathan Filion Firefly
Template: NPC

Miscellaneous NPCs.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
⍁⍁⍁⍁⍁⍁ n/a MWF
Angels fearnot Path to Perfection
...Anthea? Lisa McAllister
Eliot Luke Newberry
Emil Kovach Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alexis Denisof Federation
Epsilon dont-tell Brenda Villa
Fantasy Game Battle School
Father Sullivan father-of-mercies
Georgia MacLellan skyfighter Morena Baccarin
Hercule Flambeau Hal Ozsan
Iante Lara Pulver Arabek
Iseul Young President of the United Federation of Planets Yuki Amami Federation
Isolde dont-ask Meera Syal
Olivia right-hand Lauren Boles
Orchestra foodoflove
Pope Peter II pascet-oves Levi Miller Bliss Stage
Sally Watanabe sevenveils Kimiko Glenn
Samar Johnson Starfleet Admiral Aasif Mandvi Federation
Sexy Lifeguard cyberpunk dystopia
Solin Vulcan Minister of State Mark Lenard Federation
The Teegarden Guillotine coupe-de-lis Jon Hamm
Thing thing Thing
Tristan McClelland lovebiter Ruben Cortada
Template: Reuben

The heart of the Apocalypse Quartet. Warm-hearted, affectionate, devoutly religious homebody. Does not cope well with change. Or with magic. Solves all problems with hugs and hot chocolate.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
PEACE-WHICH-PASSETH-UNDERSTANDING Nainaro ofgoodwill Eka Darville Arda
Reubel Pierce lightandguard Eka Darville Lapis
Reuben Hopkins snaresofdemons Eka Darville Mori's Buffyverse
Reuben Pierce fridaychild Eka Darville Twilight
Ruben Dienstag andwithyourspirit Eka Darville Star Wars
Ruby Hopkins mirrordimly Antonia Thomas MO
Ruby Pierce seenwar Antonia Thomas Free France
Ruby Pierce toastandtea Antonia Thomas Earth
Template: Salomon Family

Zari's biological family

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amalie Dulac Katie Holmes
Amira Salomon Taraneh Alidoosti
Binyamin Salomon Brad Garrett
Daoud Salomon Shahab Hosseini
Elisabeth Salomon Bahareh Afshar
Isa Salomon Dominic Rains
Sabra Salomon Nasim Fetrat
Template: Sims
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jonathan Sims the-little-death Joseph Gordon-Levitt The Magnus Archives
Template: The Good Place
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Antonio so-much-fun Jorge Diaz The Good Place
Bambadjan half-my-life Bambadjan Bamba The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye lies-like-tigers William Jackson Harper The Good Place
Gloria we-will Jill Remez The Good Place
Gunnar never-gonna-stop Steve Berg The Good Place
Michael pervagantur-in-mundo Ted Danson The Good Place
Pevita teacup-loves-me Susan Park The Good Place
Sachveer but-you-will-live Ruman Kazi The Good Place
Template: Timothy
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Timothy Murdoch
Τιμόθεος George Clooney
Template: World

For writing as settings. (Most settings here depicted are not mine.)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Baker Street
Battle School Battle School
Brainship Brainship
Buffyverse (the demons, the vampires, and the forces of darkness) Mori's Buffyverse
Carolingia Carolingia
Coffee Shop i have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons Earth
Cyberpunk cyberpunk dystopia
Daevinity please don't draw on the floor Daevinity
Dance n/a Dance
Dante's Casino what profiteth it a man Dante’s Casino
Eclipse living in a powder keg Eclipse
Eos making a wish, checking it twice Eos
Erogame Erogame
Federation Star Trek AU Federation
Free France Earth, circa 1944 Free France
Lapis Lapis
Marketplace Marketplace
Milliways the bar at the end of the universe Milliways
MO through the looking glass MO
Path Path to Perfection Path to Perfection
Soulmarks mark my words Soulmarks
Star Trek where no man has gone before Star Trek
Table Elements Table
The Good Place everything is fine The Good Place
Template: Zari

Jean's adopted sister. Will punch you if you include "adopted" in the aforementioned. Immensely nerdy, Jewish, good at communication, solves problems, not letting Jean get away with anything. Likes math, programming, cryptography, weaving, languages. Has the dubious honor of being the most sensible lotus.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Boaz Boaz n/a Daemons
Ekai Satira Satira dare-gale Gal Gadot Threefold
Saria skiesofblue Elodie Yung Goldmage
Saria Kostara sweetliberty Leila Hatami Proximal
Savria Loresi Gal Gadot Elan
Shara fork-no-lightning Vanessa Redgrave Elcenia
Shiri Delamere wide-and-starry Gal Gadot Brainship
Sivari Imesa way-too-smart Gal Gadot Swansong
Zahara perchance-to-dream cyberpunk dystopia
Zahara Dulac love-from-lies Gal Gadot Erogame
Zahara Dulac Esther magendavid Gal Gadot Free France
Zahara Dulac pure-reason Gal Gadot Beauty and the Beast
Zahara Dulac two-can Gal Gadot Kingdoms of Night and Day
Zahara Holmes Gal Gadot
Zahara Salomon e-pluribus-unum Gal Gadot Eclipse Phase
Zahara Salomon leshana-habaah Gal Gadot Oathknights
Zahara Salomon own-conclusion Odeya Rush Battle School
Zahara Salomon red-tape Gal Gadot Marvel Cinematic Universe
Zahara Salomon sunlit-path Gal Gadot Dreamshard
Zahara Salomon Arachne web-we-weave Odeya Rush Daemons
Zahara Shophet Shahrazad Gal Gadot Dance
Zara love-to-obtain Goapele Greatsoul
Zari Dulac fixedfoot Gal Gadot Daevinity
Zari Dulac Moira minister-of-fate Elodie Yung Mori's Buffyverse
Zari Dulac Maryam movemountains Leila Hatami Eclipse
Zari Dulac Firebird secretplans Leila Hatami Federation
Zari Dulac turnipwatch Gal Gadot Eos
Zari Dulac Friday Gal Gadot Almighty
Zira good-as-a-rest Elodie Yung Daevinity
זָהֳרָה shining-light Gal Gadot
Θαΐς Odeya Rush