For me, the naked and the nude
(By lexicographers construed
As synonyms that should express
The same deficiency of dress
Or shelter) stand as wide apart
As love from lies, or truth from art.
-- Robert Graves
Level 7
BOD: 33
LST: 20
SED: 50
FUK: 31
PRV: 20
ERO: 14
Perks: [1 unspent point]
The Show Must Go On: When on stage, you'll always find yourself prepared with your lines on the tip of your tongue, regardless of how many rehearsals you may have missed for ... reasons. Your troupe is never adversely affected by your absence on Erogame business, and regardless of what you get up to in your free time, you're always right on time for performances.
Phone Booth: Lvl 5. Active. 5 DIS/use.
By ducking into a phone booth (or closet, bathroom stall, or other suitably small and private location), you may instantly change into any outfit you have worn within the past 24 hours. (It is still possible for people to walk in on you during your instantaneous change.)
Higher levels of this skill allow for more flexibility in outfit choice.
Fireplay: Lvl 3. Passive.
The skill of setting exactly those things on fire which you intend to set on fire.
Your Fireplay skill is added to the level of all Fireplay subskills when calculating their effectiveness.
Fire Dancing: Lvl 2. Passive.
You're so hot. You're on fire. Literally. Boost your SED and raise onlookers' LST by (Fireplay + Fire Dancing) * 2% ..... or * 5% if you literally set yourself on fire.
Fire Eating: Lvl 2. Passive and Active. 10 SUB/minute.
That's one way to train away your gag reflex.
Passive: reduces the odds of burning yourself while fire-eating by a multiplicative factor of 1/(1 + .1 * (Fireplay + Fire Eating)).
Active: increases the effective LST of any penis-possessing sadists watching by 5% * (Fireplay + Fire Eating).
Just Wanna Have Fun
Actually enjoy sex. (No, aesthetic appreciation doesn't count.)
Success: +50,000 XP, 1 perk point, ??
Failure: Skill: If You Liked It Then You Should've Put A Ring On It, ??
An Ounce of Prevention
Stop your Player Two from turning your world into a nightmare before he starts.
Success: +100,000 XP, ??
Failure: Perk: You’re Gonna Need It, ??
Figure out what you're up against. Better put your sleuthing hat on.
Success: +1,000 XP. You have the advantage.
Failure: +1,000 XP. You're flying blind.
Hottest Gofer in Town
Return the wallet to the mysterious assault victim, “Z”.
Success: ??
Failure: +$50.