Template: Sapphire
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A very empathetic person, she tries to understand everyone she meets though she's not pushy about it if she meets private people. She is perhaps not incapable of hate but she's very convinced that everyone has reasons for what they're doing even if she might think they're bad reasons. This is partially due to the fact that she often has well meaning but terrible parents, though she has sometimes ended up with just flat out terrible ones in cases where she's adopted. She's technically an off-screen character in the story my Partyland setting is based off of but "The character I'm based off of is more than a little bit insane and I'm not sure how that could count as me anymore."

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Empathy (Emma) a_hand_to_hold Sophie Skelton Dreamscape
Interface Watcher rescue_or_abduction Partyland
Maenik strand_of_the_weave Sophie Skelton Fractal
Sapphire inner_peace Sophie Skelton Outside Your Head
Sapphire_Eyes Talos Principle
Sapphire Eyestone all_grown_up Sophie Skelton Earth, Earth-16
Sapphire Eyestone compassion_for_all Sophie Skelton DC comics
Sapphire Irellia life_is_a_game Summer Fontana Lydriu
Sapphire Monroe onward-to-tomorrow Sophie Skelton Network
Sapphire Philips purified_by_truth Summer Fontana Little Fears
Sapphire Wilson cant-look-away Kristen Connolly
Sapphire Wilson unexpected_field_work Sophie Skelton Gates of Eternity
Sarah Potter wands_and_cauldrons Summer Fontana Potterverse
Silivchen heart_to_heart Sophie Skelton Arda
Sinala lost-in-translation Sophie Skelton / Summer Fontana Wakefulness
Siobhán Ionbhá never_met_anyone_unimportant Summer Fontana, Sophie Skelton Starlight
Yinta Sophie Skelton Oathsworn

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