Daily Report - Nov 02, 2021
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Complete New confessions of problems caused
masozi confesses some things to lan xichen
megacontinuity: scholomance 39 6 11:35 PM
Complete Room 79 [homeroom]
Jaime, Hira, Nia, Lysander, Briar (and Jeremy?)
megacontinuity: scholomance 15 2 10:43 PM
Complete New come bearing gifts
Masozi promised Lucy mal grubs and he sure did get them
megacontinuity: scholomance 33 33 9:56 PM
Complete New sunlight glinting on the clouds
and it looks like death, from the wrong angle
megacontinuity: scholomance 122 60 9:41 PM
Complete it's not the loser table, it's the undervalued table
open thread; for characters who don't have people to eat dinner with
megacontinuity: scholomance 41 2 9:38 PM
Hiatused New [english] [10:45 AM] Intro to Lab
Jean, Karen, Jaime, Morty, Mal, Jada, Riley
megacontinuity: scholomance 4 2 9:28 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings mixed up with many strange birds as you go
Travelers in Krisses
Sandboxes 31 4 8:58 PM
Hiatused New [english] he’s the ruffian on the stair
Val and Miguel and maybe other losers
megacontinuity: scholomance 42 28 8:57 PM
Hiatused [mandarin] [open] what doesn't kill you is off-topic
scene-setting for Friday morning classes
megacontinuity: scholomance 35 1 8:20 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings New the facts of life
Meng Yao meets a younger sibling
megacontinuity: scholomance 35 11 5:32 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings [english] sweet dreams [one tag per character]
in which the curfew bell rings and your character goes to bed and hopefully, eventually, to sleep
megacontinuity: scholomance 42 2 4:59 PM
Hiatused elementary, said he
Sean, Basil
megacontinuity: scholomance 20 8 4:34 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings trust no one, especially not yourself
lily's not sure what's worse - the eldritch abomination trying to eat reality, or her alternate timeline selves (or, heartsbloods and fuchsias in all night laundry)
Fulmination 598 22 4:15 PM
Hiatused New [english][new york] on the rise
megacontinuity: scholomance 70 65 3:38 PM
Complete Has Warnings hold your hat and hang on to your soul
Eternal Lies 3217 16 2:06 PM
Hiatused [english][open][day 1 dinner] potion lovers, unite!
come join the table of weirdly cheerful Dr. Jekylls
megacontinuity: scholomance 36 1 2:02 PM
Hiatused [mandarin] sweet dreams [one tag per character]
in which the curfew bell rings and your character goes to bed and hopefully, eventually, to sleep
megacontinuity: scholomance 16 1 2:00 PM
Complete eyes of the fallen
force ghost anakin haunts the keres
Fulmination 612 18 11:52 AM
Hiatused [english] [open] what doesn't kill you is off-topic
scene-setting for Friday morning classes
megacontinuity: scholomance 67 3 10:44 AM
Complete New If he only knew of my plan
nie huaisang continues to be confused about flirting
megacontinuity: scholomance 54 26 10:34 AM
Hiatused ready, runner 5? [supply run]
another supply run
megacontinuity: scholomance 59 6 10:32 AM
Complete small enclaves gotta stick together
lysander and daria and ghassan at dinner
megacontinuity: scholomance 40 2 9:57 AM
Complete [english] Welsh mythology (10:45 am)
El, Shannon, Lissa, Hira
megacontinuity: scholomance 28 8 9:44 AM
Complete Introduce you to Jaipur
Hira introduces Ennis to Jaipur
megacontinuity: scholomance 31 2 9:25 AM
Complete Has Warnings shimmering under a moon made in anger and haste
darth occlus, her wife, and their adorable grandson go on an accidental road trip to find baby anakin's alt. (they were not exactly anticipating the naruto-verse.)
Fulmination 1101 46 9:14 AM
Total: 55