Daily Report - Oct 31, 2021
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Complete New What is wrong with these people????? megacontinuity: scholomance 33 33 2:04 PM
Complete New Room 79 [homeroom]
Jaime, Hira, Nia, Lysander, Briar (and Jeremy?)
megacontinuity: scholomance 15 1 1:29 PM
Complete eyes of the fallen
force ghost anakin haunts the keres
Fulmination 612 53 12:25 PM
Complete Has Warnings shimmering under a moon made in anger and haste
darth occlus, her wife, and their adorable grandson go on an accidental road trip to find baby anakin's alt. (they were not exactly anticipating the naruto-verse.)
Fulmination 1101 27 12:25 PM
Complete Has Warnings don't mention it
our own scholomance, with blackjack and hookers
Sunset Tones 757 59 11:58 AM
Complete Has Warnings voler le feu des dieux
tintin gets exiled on accident
Sunset Tones 659 2 11:40 AM
Abandoned heart of fire
Azem goes to Hogwarts in the 1940s
Sandboxes 329 2 11:34 AM
Hiatused New [english][open][day 1 dinner] potion lovers, unite!
come join the table of weirdly cheerful Dr. Jekylls
megacontinuity: scholomance 36 28 11:16 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings [english] sweet dreams [one tag per character]
in which the curfew bell rings and your character goes to bed and hopefully, eventually, to sleep
megacontinuity: scholomance 42 4 10:28 AM
Hiatused so let it out and let it in
Judy hates me for picking this as her title theme
Sandboxes 58 4 10:18 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings sur la rive en fleurs
oakley finds themself inexplicably in the rose bowers
Sandboxes 35 2 2:19 AM
Complete [breakfast] [open] Memory potions for sale
bibo ergo cogito
megacontinuity: scholomance 132 31 1:59 AM
Hiatused gold in those hills
Teddy, recent orphan*, works through new powers, a new school, and grief.
Sandboxes 422 2 1:57 AM
Hiatused only betrayed by friends (enemies will not have the chance to)
Mei Changsu and the politics of the Dream SMP
Sandboxes 72 2 1:57 AM
Complete [breakfast][english] it's not a popularity contest
naima sits down somewhere with seats. get in on the ground floor of knowing a naima
megacontinuity: scholomance 47 21 1:48 AM
Hiatused fire at the mainstream
Theodora Ndikima Terentin, savior of the galaxy
Sandboxes 477 2 1:35 AM
Complete come on show them what you're worth
Ayako and Lan Xichen, part 1
megacontinuity: scholomance 30 12 1:34 AM
Complete [homeroom] Room 738
Marie, Daria, Adam, Luna, Alyona, Riley
megacontinuity: scholomance 37 6 12:43 AM
Complete divinations free with seating
whether the divinations are in any way magic is left as an exercise to the reader
megacontinuity: scholomance 41 29 12:23 AM
Complete it's not the loser table, it's the undervalued table
open thread; for characters who don't have people to eat dinner with
megacontinuity: scholomance 41 2 12:20 AM
Complete the second mouse gets the cheese
Latecomers supply run!
megacontinuity: scholomance 287 32 12:16 AM
Complete small enclaves gotta stick together
lysander and daria and ghassan at dinner
megacontinuity: scholomance 40 4 12:09 AM
Hiatused your stare was holdin'
Cam and Warrior Cats
Sandboxes 7063 29 12:07 AM
Complete Has Warnings place them above the crooked
Jing Yi meets Cascadia!Lev
moissanite 1344 13 12:07 AM
Complete eggcelent
It's nutrient paste all the way down (Boston table breakfast)
megacontinuity: scholomance 185 18 12:07 AM