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Judy hates me for picking this as her title theme

Ancora teleports outside Judy's room, and knocks twice on the piece of furniture they brought with them, and waits.

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"Who's there?"




"Ancora - beli - ben - et cetera, who.  - Nevermind, come on in, Ancora."  She opens the door.


They do that, and teleport the end table in beside them.


"So what's up?"



'I failed to understand several things about what you just said.'


" - Yeah, sorry; I should've skipped that.  It was just - an attempted reference to a pretty common type of joke.  Not anything important."


'You did not intend me harm?'


" - Definitely not!  Yikes.  Uh, are you okay?"


'I still do not know how one evaluates that.  I am in very slightly worse condition than before.'


"Gosh, okay.  Uh, what specifically was it, so I can avoid it going forward . . ."


'You do not sustain damage from having your name mispronounced?'


"Not . . . except abstractly.  Sort of.  Sometimes people do it to be mean but they can do that with lots of things, you know?  It's not - special, to humans.  In a way that hurts.  I'm sorry."


"I see.'


"Should - is the three-syllable version we've been using also bad, or is it just that I tried to keep going and messed it up."


'Referring to me as 'Ancora' is neutral.'


"Awesome.  So what brings you up here?"


'I would like you to tell me of what happened when you sent me to retrieve your cat, that I may better understand human deception.'


". . . Sure.  Uh, lemme think about where to start.  Do you want to sit down?"  She gestures to the room's chair and seats herself on the bed.


They apparently do.




"So, my introduction to vampires was . . . not great.  I don't really want to get into it, but - it didn't involve someone thinking I was cool and wanting to share magic with me; she - something went wrong with her, because of the magic, and she went kind of all animalistic and attacked me and I - admittedly would have probably died without her healing me after, which I guess was a positive for the magic system but it didn't really rate next to everything else.  There's video of it; you can ask Cam."


"So from my perspective, there was this threat unknown to humanity, and the best way to get leverage against that was to become a vampire myself, so I made some arrangements with Sara - the girl who attacked me - and here we are.  Then you teleported in the middle of my living room, which, again, appearing in people's spaces is really scary and threatening, and it's a lot more so when you don't know them at all, and even more so when you're - not human.  And then uh, I assume you tried to communicate but it kind of just felt like static, and it was really unpleasant, and then you teleported us to Milliways without any warning."


'I apologize.  I did not perceive myself to be communicating any differently than I am presently.'


"Yeah, I know.  It's okay.  Just probably next time you leave Milliways you should make sure you have somebody humanish with you."

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